Walrus (disambiguation)
(Redirected from Walrus)
This is a Disambiguation page. Disambiguation pages list different articles associated with the same title or topic. If another article of a similar name directly links here, consider modifying the link, so it redirects to point directly to the intended specific article. |
Obviously, you are looking for Walruses.
Were you hunting for:
- Walrus (character), the original Walrus?
- Walrus Crime Ring, the evil group of Walruses that terrorize folks?
- Walrus (species), or what Walruses are?
- Walrus McManager, an evil Metalmanager imposter who looks a lot like him?
- The Walrus Crisis of Pengydeen, the story about WMM's attack on Shroomsky?
- EXPECT SEALS, the warning cry of the Walruses?
- Walrus Warehouse, #<math> i am the walrus</math>' headquarters?
Mighty Tusk King: Walrus (character) |
Elite Squad: WalrusDidKhanzem, SuperNinjaWalrus |
Parents: Big Momma Walrus, Big Daddy Walrus |
Officers: Karpolo McWalrus, Walrus McManager, Ford the Walrus, Wally, SuperWalrus, WalrusWhoEnjoysDetergent, IMA FIRIN A WALRUS, YourAverageWalrusN00b |
Support Staff: Herman Munster (medic), WalrusWhoWentROFLCOPTER (pilot), Roflolandcheese (cafeteria worker), HappyWalrus (chief torturer), Ha123456789 (bomber), Asterisk Walrus (spammer), Hall Мoderαтor (hall monitor), WalrusOfTheWeek (income increaser), HandyWalrus (handyman & destroyer), RacerWalrus (PASCAR driver) |
Henchmen: WalrusMinion, WalrusWhoFindsMoneyInOddPlaces, YoungWalrus |
Neutral Walri:Walrus of Jonas, WALRUS WITH BIG LETTERS, FlubberButt |
Items and Locations: Walrus Warehouse, It's Snowing Anthrax, EXPECT SEALS, Old Abandoned Telenacle, F0()rTh W@lL.exe, Walri 'R' Us, All Scan Incident |