Traveling All of Antarctica/Epilogue

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Traveling All of Antarctica
Read all the chapters!

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Special Features:

Story Reviews


The Hochstadts had completed their quest to travel all of Antarctica, Swiss Ninja failed at exterminating them, and XTUX was supposedly crushed to death when the hotel collapsed on him in Waffleland. The Hochstadts respecfully attended his "funeral", but this would not be the last time they would come across XTUX...As for Swiss Ninja, although he did not defeat the Hochstadt Gang, he did score many triumphs and really gave the Gang a challenge this time. He ceartainly improved his villainious status since his previous attacks. Gottfried returned to Alemania as a celebrity, meanwhile Jock and Piper returned to the Viking Empire to recieve medals from the King in honor of their accomplishment of travelling all of antarctica. As for Clovis's destiny, his development of courage is going to prepare him for the the next story.

(The End!)