The Puffle Resistance

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Prologue: Cruelty

I am a Puffle, and I suppose that mistreatment from the Mwa Mwa Penguins was my birthright.


Oh, sorry, I just got chucked to the other side of the room.

Anyhow, I-- ouch! Tried to escape one day, but I was found again these "Mwa Mwas" as they call them mistreated and severely hurt us.

This is the tale of the puffle who tried to stop them.

Chapter 1: An unwanted new home

I bounced over to the ninja hideout, only to run into this bizzare penguin, it talked improper penguin language and was dressed weirdly.

"Aww, Its swo cwute!", It said.

"Go away!", I tried to say, but my voice just sounds like squeaks to it.

It then picked me up and brought me to it's wammy.

"Cwan we kweep hwim?", the strange penguin said.

"sure", said the "wammy"

"NO!" I said, but it was still just squeaks.

The penguin took me to it's home.

Chapter 2: On enemy lines

The igloo was made of bad tasting pink ice, and it had a tiny makeshift food bowl for me.

The odd penguin had already stuffed it's face with my food, I decided I would bite it.

"Ow! WAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!", it cried.

The wammy hit me with a newspaper until I blacked out.

"Ugh....", I moaned.

When I woke up, I was in their yard, sweet freedom!

I escaped near immediately, and was treated to the Plaza.

Millions of weird penguins just like the one at my "home", many fatter and weirder than that.

I was grabbed and picked up and pufflehandled by tons of them. I made my way to the pet shop.

"Ahh-AAAGH!", I sigh-screamed as I saw thousands more in the pet shop.

"What", A beat up looking pink puffle said.

"M-More of them!"

"Get used to it, Mwa Mwas are a fact of life."

"Mwa Mwas?"

"Yeah, those monsters."

I suppose I have made a friend.

Chapter 3: A Nice Owner

I always wanted an owner, or as I call it, a penguin friend (I don't think they "own" me). Not a creepy "Mwa Mwa" friend though, that crosses the line.

So the next day, I walked up to a brown puffle with glasses and asked him if I could be put up for adoption.

"You will have to fill out 1,783 forms, and yes, sure you can."

So after I somehow filled out the forms, (It had been 4 days) I met up with a nice penguin, he had a wig (but wasn't an insane Wiguin), was in a Mwa Mwa hating club called the BBRS (which I think means the Blue Banana Residential Steamers, but I'm not sure), And was colored aqua.

But than a big, horrendously fat, Mwa Mwa grabbed me and..



The penguin I met fired a ditto pistol at the Mwa Mwa (A harmless tazer-like weapon), and it had completely knocked it out.

"I adopted you", he said, but then 90,000,000 Mwa Mwas ran up to him and each said "Mwe?"

"NO!", he said, "I adopted that puffle over there!"

Then that fat Mwa Mwa got back up and tried to crush me with it's enormous belly.

Then I felt a weird feeling, like my mind was saying, "Open your mouth" to me. I did.

Then, when I opened my maw, I vomited thousands of star shaped energy blasts, practically deleting half of the room; Mwa Mwas included.

The penguin that was to adopt me was standing there, beak half open in awe of my star-barf, fidgeting slightly.

"I think I'll name you Shining Star."

Chapter 4: A Home

After rowing our way through a lake of blubbery Mwa Mwa penguins, we got out and the penguin put me down.

It was so wonderful to be out in the cool open air again, to roll in the cold snow, to take in the soothing scent of pine and the aromas of pizza and other good food being cooked in the plaza.

Then fresh air hit my lungs and it felt like breathing in heaven; it was so great I wanted to cry.

I held it in, the last thing I wanted them to think of me was a wimp.

After a long and amazing walk through the real world, I was led into a home, it was no tiny igloo, it was a double sized cottage with all sorts of rare and precious items.

I was very careful not to break any of the pretty green vases by the doorway; the nature of my movement is quite bouncy, and I could easily knock something over; a lot of these things couldn't be fixed or replaced.

Anyway, my owner was proactive enough to buy me some basic supplies, a food tray and a small yellow bed, which was a ton better than the cramped glass enclosure which smelled of ammonia and other more obscene substances.

My mind was racing; so much of my life had changed in so little time, I woke up in an overly cramped room fighting back on creatures that were twice my size and I'm falling asleep in a home that's all for me with a good friend.

It was almost too good to be true.