SkyBound (disambiguation)

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SkyBound is the BOF codename for the Chosen Ones that go on a quest, and eventually, back to the past to save the Bureau of Fiction from the good-intentioned wrath of Baldurshroom. A proud parody of Earthbound, this particular article will guide you to various SkyBound articles, tales, and parodies.

SO, were you looking for...

  • The Chosen Ones, Ned and Patricia? ...-and two other guys?
    • (Larry: I'M RIGHT HERE!)
    • (Jake: ME TOO!)
    • ...-and also Doofus?
  • Porkchop, the fifth, messy, villanious, peanut-butter adoring character that was Chosen, but was stupid enough to reject it, and then ran off to join a cult, kidnap Patricia, then abuse time travel, destroy stuff, butter up Baldurshroom to the point of nearly destroying the universe, only to be sealed forever more in suspended animation?
  • Baldurshroom, TurtleShroom's great-grandfather that spent most of his life travelling the frontiers of Antarctica with his son? The same penguin that hated the Fourth Wall and learned manipulation abilities that a layman shouldn't possess, resulting in a fragile, collapsed being with a speech defect? ...-and if so, are you also seeking the very bird that was led by Porkchop into attacking the Bureau of Fiction, only to be saved by the noble sacrifice of his daughter-in-law and the kind words of Patricia and company?
  • Mattress Village, a disturbingly creepy andrural land where the SkyBound chicks, TurtleShroom's Family, and a whole cast of creatures grew up? The same village that bans most every drink that's not water, tea, or milk, blows the opposition up, and censors like no tomorrowc? ...-and if this is correct, the village where the quest to the past begins for our heroes, AND, the place TurtleShroom calls home? Is it also, then, the place full of conspiracies, black vans, and things no creature should know?
  • 1995 Itoi, an asteroid that crashed outside of Mattress Village, carrying a message from an alternate future demanding the Chosen Ones quest to go back into the past and stop Baldurshroom and fix time? Complete with its own talking assistant that was swatted by Porkchop's mother?
  • Valerie, Fraz's wife and the daughter-in-law of Baldurshroom, who eventually played an indispensible part in saving the world by giving up her life?
  • The Hallowed Sect of Our Lord, the Honorable Ernie, a cult that, for ten easy payments of nine ninety five, will lead you on a path of enlightenment with videos that are sold in very easy-to-pay installments? ...-and the same cult that Porkchop took over and kidnapped Patricia with, all in the name of money pleasing Erie? More commonly known as Cult of Weirdology?