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Born Уаитахиан (Waitahian)
March 9, 1907
Died January 3, 2009 (age 101)
Senster City, Senstaria
Resting place Flystar City, Land of Flystar55555
Gender Male
Other names ルーラのスターフライ
Ethnicity Megadyptes waitaha (Waitaha Penguin)
Known for Founding Senstaria
Title King of Senstaria
Term 1938-2009
Successor Flystar55555
Relatives Flystar55555 (Great grandson)
King of Senstaria
King of the Land of Flystar
Reign 1938-2009
Coronation April 4, 1938
Full name Senster, King of Senstaria
Waitahian Уаитахиан
Titles King of Senstaria
Born March 9, 1907
Died January 3, 2009 (age 101)
Place of death Senster City, Senstaria
(Now part of North Flystonia)
Buried Senster City, Senstaria
Predecessor None
Successor Flystar55555
Royal House House of Star

Senster (Born Уаитахиан, and also known as ルーラのスターフライ), is the great-grandfather of the legendary Flystar55555. He discovered the Land of Flystar55555 and ruled it before Flystar ruled it.


Early years

Senster was born on March 9, 1907, during the years of the High Penguin Confederacy. However, his birthplace and where he grew up is unknown, as he never spoke of his chickhood. Historians think that he was most likely hatched in the HPC Province of Lamèque or Nykøbing, as their borders are around the area where Senstaria was founded, although that is just speculation.

His chickhood is also subject to much speculation. The common belief among historians is that he lived through Khanzem and the Snowman Empire, due to the oppressive beliefs later expressed with Senstaria.

Waitahian War

In 1932, the Snowman Empire went into anarchy. For three years, the remaining government organized in a fight against STINC. However, In 1934 Senster found a rather large community of 5,000 Waitahian Penguins on the coast of the crumbling nation. Being a grown penguin of 27 years, he was smart enough to know that the empire would soon fold. As such, he wanted to lead his fellow Waitahians to prosperity by creating a new nation. When they rejected his proposal, he built an army of anti-snowman militants (Empire citizens, not STINC), and started a war.

He didn't want to slaughter his fellow Waitahians, but he was willing to do almost anything to win, which excluded hurting women and chicks. The war started in mid-1934, and lasted until March 1938. The native Waitahians had tried many times to get assistance from the [Snowman Empire] government, but with the anarchy and all of the governmental chaos they didn't even notice the pleas for help.

In March 1938, The local resistance leaders surrendered to Senster and his army, and signed a peace treaty. The treaty officially seceded the land from the Snowman Empire, and said Senster was to be the new leader of said territory.

Founding Senstaria

On April 3rd, 1938, Senster officially reorganized the territory as Senstaria, an absolute monarchy under his rule. On April 4th, he was coronated as Senster, King of Senstaria. This was the first time he was officially recognized as Senster. His birth name was Уаитахиан (in Waitahian), but Senster was a nickname that he had been using for many years, a name he preferred over his birth name. In the speech he delivered after his coronation, he promised to bring peace, luxury and prosperity to the new nation, as well as keep it free from "communist seals" and empires. The day after his coronation, he started a search for what we become Senstaria's capital.


In the early-2000s, Senster started becoming more dependent on the penguins he trusted due to his old age and declining ability. Unfortunately, the only member of his family willing to aid him was his great grandson, Flystar. Even as a young boy, Flystar started learning about politics, and over the years he started attending more and more official events representing Senster, while the King himself stayed in his palace. In 2006, on Flystar's 10th birthday, Senster named him as the official heir to the throne.

Death and Burial

After a few months of rapidly declining health, Senster passed away in his palace in Senster City on January 3rd, 2009, at the age of 101.

On January 4th, 12 year old Flystar became the King of Senstaria. His first act of King was initiating a 7-day period of national mourning, in which time Senster's body would lay in state in some of the nation's largest cities. Some of the schedule is shown below.

City Date Location
Imperio City Hall
Senster City January 9-10 Royal Palace

After lying-in-state in some of Senstaria's larger cities, the journey ended back at the royal palace, where he laid-in-state for almost two days. On the evening of January 10th, Senster was laid to rest near the heart Senster City, in the newly constructed "Senster Square". It doubles as a memorial and botanic garden. The memorial is a 25-foot tall statue of Senster depicting him when he celebrated his Golden Jubilee in 1988.


Senster appears to look like Sensei, but has a darker color, darker rice hat, and a cape. Having such similarities with Sensei, he is often mistaken for Sensei and rumored to be related to Sensei.


  • He is rumored to be related to Sensei, however the amount of truth in the rumor is unknown.

See also

Preceded by
Position established
The Position of
Ruler of the Land of Flystar55555,

as held by Senster

April 4, 1938-January 3, 2009

Succeeded by
File:Flystar King.PNGFlystar55555