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This article is about a character, Quackerpingu. If you meant the user, please go here. Sorry for any confusion.

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— Quackerpingu
Full Name Quackerius K. Pingu
Status Alive
Born November 9, 1986 (1986-11-09) (age 38)
Species Penguin
Race High Penguin
Gender Male
Residence Q City, Moon Island
Citizenship Antarctican, Andèran, Shopper
Duckish (formerly)
Ethnicity HPC
Relatives Soakerpingu, Waddlerpingu, Ninjapingu, Piratepingu, Stupidpingu, Smartpingu, Racerpingu, Superpingu, Nukerpingu, Hackerpingu, Jokerpingu, Axe Pingu, Jaxson Pingu
Rumoredly Scrubbypingu, although he, along with all of those listed above denies this
Occupation Founder of the EQF
EPF agent
Fire Ninja
PSA agent (formerly)
Employer EPF
PSA (formerly)
Years Active 2009-now
Political Career
Political Party Pan-Antarctic Republican New Alignment Society (PARNAS)
Anti-Chillist Republican Party (ACRP)
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)

Quackerpingu is a High Penguin. He is an EPF agent, the founder of EQF, a jedi, a ninja and a fire ninja. He currently lives in Q City, Moon Island.


Quackerpingu hatched on the 9th of November, 1986, somewhere in Parchatoacticioneopi. He lived in Parchatoacticioneopi until 1993, when he, along with his parents and brother moved to Moon Island.

When Quackerpingu was old enough, he, like everyone else, was forced to go to school. Like many others, he didn't like school. His least favorite subject was math, of course. In 2009, some years after finishing school, he moved to Club Penguin.

After moving to Club Penguin, Quackerpingu became a PSA agent. After Herbert destroyed the PSA, Quackerpingu became an EPF agent.

In 2011, Quackerpingu started training to become a ninja. Some months later, after defeating Sensei in Card-Jitsu, he became a ninja. Later, he also became a fire ninja.

Soon after that, in December 2011, Quackerpingu moved back to Moon Island (however, he still sometimes visits Club Penguin). Then, he started training to become a jedi. In 2015, he finished training and became a jedi.

Now, he moved to Q City instead of the place where he used to live before. He bought some ships, and in 2016, he created Quackerfleet. However, in 2017, Quackerpingu sold most of the ships to Duck Island. Also, he bought some other vehicles (cars, buses, trains, spaceships, planes, trams, trolleybuses, etc.).


In 2013, Gary called Quackerpingu and asked him to come to Club Penguin and destroy Norbert's evil plans. While he was on the mission, he fell into a bath tub which contained a potion that contained a strain of Protozoa exviruusa lantribacolli, a kind of X-Virus. He got infected. A month later, when he was in Club Penguin again, QuaXerpingu was created.

In 2014, Q City and the surrounding areas were attacked by QuaXerpingu, Hubert U. Pengumin (and 5 more humans), and the other The Evil Something members. At the same time, the same area was also attacked by Shadow Walrus and the Walrus Brothers (actually, only the ones that had already been banished from the Walrus Crime Ring).

Quackerpingu created the QSA (Q Secret Agency) to fight them. After the QSA was destroyed and QuaXerpingu stole the abbreviation by creating the Quackerpingu Stopping Army, Quackerpingu created the EQF (Elite Q Force). The humans and walruses turned good in 2015, but the other The Rvil Something members are still evil.

In 2016, the Quackerpingu Stopping Army was destroyed and the Q Secret Agency was recreated. However, QuaXerpingu and the other The Evil Something members escaped, so the EQF is still fighting against them.

In 2015, when Quackerpingu was in the EPF HQ in Club Penguin again for a classified reason, Gary accidentally spilled a bottle containing Y-Virus on the ground. Quackerpingu didn't notice it and stepped in it. He got infected and QuackerpYngu was created some time later.


When the Shops Civil War starts, he moves back to Parchatoacticioneopi, and stays there until its end, returning to Moon Island after that.

In 2030, after Penstubal creates the Pan-Antarctic Republican New Alignment Society (PARNAS), Quackerpingu will join it, but after Penstubal quits the party and it splits into two, Quackerpingu will lead the Anti-Chillist Republican Party (ACRP). However, in 2035, after the ACRP is disbanded, he will join the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP).

Also, after the Southern and Northern States of the Republic of Moon Island are split into many smaller ones, Quackerpingu will become the governor of Norholm.


Quackerpingu has been involved in many top secret EQF, QSA and EPF missions, which you don't know about.

The EQF and QSA currently focus on fighting QuaXerpingu and the other The Evil Something members, and any evil robots working for The Evil Something that are caught are reprogrammed so that they become good.

The Quackworks and Quackerfleet

The Quackworks is a company owned by Quackerpingu that owns Quackermall.

Quackerfleet was a fleet of ships owned by Quackerpingu (two of the ships were owned by Hubert U. Pengumin.). There used to be many ships in Quackerfleet, but on June 12, 2017, Quackerpingu sold most of the ships to Duck Island, and on October 26, 2018, Quackerpingu sold one of his last two ships (and Hubert U. Pengumin sold both of his ships) to Andèra. A few days after that, Duck Island also sold the former Quackerfleet ships to Andèra.

The QuackJet.

The one ship that Quackerpingu still owns is the battleship "Quackerpingu". He also owns the QuackJet, which is capable of carrying most of the EQF members.

Abilities and weaknesses

An ability of Quackerpingu is that he is very good at being a secret agent. He is also very good at being a jedi and a ninja. However, a weakness he has is that he does not want Khanzem to come back or a new one to be created: when he is fighting a villain and then another villain says anything about that, like "Khanzem will return tomorrow" or "A new Khanzem was just created", Quackerpingu will stop fighting and try to stop the new Khanzem instead.

List of clones

There are some clones of Quackerpingu. Most of them are evil.

  • QuackerpYngu- Quackerpingu's Y-Antibody, and the first Y-Antibody ever created.
  • Qu4ck3rp1ngu- an evil robot version of Quackerpingu who works for The Evil Something. He isn't force-sensitive.
  • QuackerPingu- an evil clone of Quackerpingu who works for The Evil Something. He often tries to impersonate Quackerpingu. After the death of QuaXerpingu, he will delete QUACKERPINGU WITH BIG LETTERS and become the new leader of The Evil Something.
  • Ugniprekcauq- an evil clone of Quackerpingu who works for The Evil Something. He can only speak backwards. He isn't force-sensitive.
  • Dhnpxrecvath- an evil clone of Quackerpingu who works for The Evil Something. He can only speak in a strange language called ROT13. Here's a translator. He isn't force-sensitive.
  • Shadow Quackerpingu- a clone of Quackerpingu who was created by QuaXerpingu, who wanted him to work for The Evil Something. However, he didn't join and isn't evil.
  • Clone 10- another non-evil clone. QuaXerpingu created him in 2020 for experimenting with X-and Y-Virus, especially trying to make infected creatures not become immune after an antibody's creation. (Since he was created after Quackerpingu already had both X- and Y-Antibodies, he is immune to both.) The experiments failed, with the only result being the clone becoming insane. He is imprisoned somewhere in the TES HQ and nobody outside TES leadership knows that he exists.



  • Puffle is Quackerpingu's blue puffle. He has a X-Antibody called Xuffle.
  • Puff Le is Quackerpingu's red puffle.
  • Fool is Quackerpingu's green puffle.
  • Silly is Quackerpingu's orange puffle.
  • Bruffle is Quackerpingu's brown puffle.
  • Bluffle is Quackerpingu's black puffle.
  • Buffalo is Quackerpingu's purple puffle.
  • Yuck is Quackerpingu's yellow puffle.
  • Penguin is Quackerpingu's white puffle.
  • Snuffle is Quackerpingu's pink puffle.
  • Rainarrow is Quackerpingu's rainbow puffle.
  • Coins is Quackerpingu's gold puffle.


List of weapons he uses


  • A blue keysaber
  • A green keysaber
  • A double-bladed keysaber (one of the blades is blue and the other one is green)
  • Knicicles
  • Spam Bombs (he uses them against villains)
  • Deletion Bombs
  • Ditto Grenades
  • Deletion Ray Gun
  • Undeletion Ray Gun
  • Glue Grenades (grenades that have the same glue in them as Glue Missiles)
  • Hashbangs



  • "Quack"
  • "Quack."
  • "Quack!"
  • "Quack?"
  • "Never trust a melonhead."


Quackerpingu @RealOfficialQuackerpingu • 26 October 2016
Is this the place where I have to write "quack"? I don't think it is.

Quackerpingu @RealOfficialQuackerpingu • 26 October 2016
Oh, it is.

Quackerpingu @RealOfficialQuackerpingu • 26 October 2016

Quackerpingu @RealOfficialQuackerpingu • 15 May 2018
@KermitTheFrog is an evil Neo-Naughtzee! He likes orange juice!

Quackerpingu @RealOfficialQuackerpingu • 16 May 2018
@KermitTheFrog is also a melonhead! Never trust a melonhead!

Quackerpingu @RealOfficialQuackerpingu • 11 February 2019
#Achadistan is the worst country since Khanzem!

Quackerpingu @RealOfficialQuackerpingu • 12 February 2019


  • He has also referred to Lavender as "LavenderXP" at least once.

See also