Penguin TV

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Penguin TV (or Penguin's Public Access Television Network)
Type [Public Access TV Channel
Effects To get information about Penguins
Source Television
Location The USA.
Cost to buy Free (Public Access)
Cost to sell N/A

The Penguin TV (Public Penguin's Public Access Television Network) is a free-to-air, non-specialized, localized TV channel that shows various programs. It comes with any television at no charge. Every other channel costs money with the exception of the now defunct channels Jetguin and CPC Network and the now airing channels Icey XD and Icey Channel.


The Penguin's Public Access Television Network also hosts a great variety of programs, including a fireplace, a silent channel of talking penguins, Weather Reports, hockey games, Sled Racing Live, the Test Channel (rainbow-bars), and a secret channel for those who know. PPATN also shows news reports from Aunt Arctic (like during LiquidFence), emergency bullitens, danger drills, and of course evacuation notices (like in Professor Shroomsky's Wild Escapade). For the kids, it has many animated cartoons and series, such as Dancing Penguin and G. There are also animated shows that are targeted at adults rather than chicks that air late at night.

CPWE is a wrestling show that airs on Monday and Friday Nights. It is on later at night (always 9 Pm on Mondays, but 8 to 11 pm on Fridays) but some penguins try to stay up until 11:00 PM to watch it.

List of shows

Animated series

Reality shows


  • This channel comes with every television.
  • The station is broadcasted via analog antenna.
  • Its main competitor is CPTV 50 and CBN, which broadcasts on all TVs in the USA as well, but offers a variety of channels (like Antarctican Idol). However, CPTV is more costly.
    • In Free Republics, the main competitor is VFRRC and Vbeebies.
  • this channel was broadcasting some pirated movies back in 2009.

See also

Penguin TV Shows
Ford Car and LinkDancing Penguin and GThe Justice TeamC.N.I.C.Absolute Thespian IsletAdventures of Tails6000Super Antics Bros. ZX and the CityUnstoppable Forces (TV Show)CP Fanon: The Animated SeriesThe Dark Lorgas ShowClub Penguin: The TV SeriesLollipop's AdventuresHetaguria: Axis PowersOthers!