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A regular penguin. Do note that they can come in many other colors.
A regular penguin. Do note that they can come in many other colors.
Conservation Status
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Sphenisciformes
Family: Spheniscidae
Penguins are the most dominant species in Antarctica and can be found in every region in the Antarctic.
Penguins are the most dominant species in Antarctica and can be found in every region in the Antarctic.

A Penguin, (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae), is an aquatic flightless bird that lives in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. They are well known for their inability to fly and their exceptional abilities to swim in water. They are the most dominant land creature in Antarctica, barely above the Puffle, a mammal. Penguins are also the most civilized creatures in Antarctica, as they have created countries and cultures. The center of all Penguin culture is considered to be Club Penguin Island.


If you want a more detailed history about the first penguins in Antarctica, go here.

It is believed that Penguins have originated from what is now coastal Peru and northern Chile. Penguin populations eventually spread across the southern hemisphere, including the Galapagos Island, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. The first penguins were all High Penguins, and they created their first civilization in a remote northern archipelago called Valnor. In brief, early Valnor was home to many High Penguin Clans and Tribes, and two High Penguins, named Sigurd and Bacchus, immigrated from the land of Valnor in search for a new land to extend the land of Valnor. They eventually discovered Snowprus island and the Antarctic mainland. They had mutated children who became the modern penguins that we dominantly see today, and they spread across the Antarctic Mainland, UnitedTerra, the Sub-Antarctic (including the Yowien Sea) and the Ninja Archipelago. Today, penguins are the dominant species in Antarctica and are the most influential as well.


Penguins are very similar in structure to other birds, however they have several differences. First of all, Penguins are incapable of flying, unlike most other birds, and can swim in water much like sea otters. They have a thin layer of feathers, have thick skin, and have a natural layer of fat, although Penguins who are not physically active typically tend to have more fat than other penguins. Penguins have feet, but they don't have legs, which is why they waddle when they try to walk. A penguin's body is designed so that it could swim very quickly when catching its prey in the sea. However, because of civilization advances, penguins tend to fish, even though some still do practice the traditional way of catching prey. Penguins have a very similar digestive structure to other birds, although penguins are known for having a very strong stomach since they can swallow fish in one bite.

Unlike what Mwa Mwa Penguins have thought, Penguins do not get pregnant since they are birds; they lay eggs instead. It is traditional that the father takes care of the egg (or occasionally, eggs) after the mother lays it. While the father takes care of the egg, the mother must find food for her husband and future offspring, which they typically do at their local store. Penguins have the ability to lay eggs when they become 10 years old. However, they usually wait to marry and have chicks until later on in life (usually 10+ years later).


Penguins are mostly carnivores, and their primary food that they eat are fish, krill (shrimp), and squid. However, most penguins in the Antarctic are omnivores, and they are capable of eating most food such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and sweets. Penguins have created many other complex foods with the materials they can find, and many diverse cuisines have developed over the centuries.

As shown in the graph above, Penguins are not at the top of the Antarctic food web, nor are they at the bottom. They are considered to be secondary/tertiary consumers since they eat fish, squid, krill, mullet, and occasionally the crab. Penguins also have two main predators: the Leopard Seal and the Killer Whale. Leopard Seals are carnivorous monsters that ravage the coasts of Antarctica, the Yowien Sea, most of the coasts of UnitedTerra, Weddel, All of the Sub-Antarctic, and occasionally the southern parts of the Ninja Archipelago. They are aggressive and are fierce killers. Penguins now hunt Leopard Seals to limit population growth. Killer Whales are considered to be the most vicious creatures in Antarctica that mainly feed on fish in the sea, but they are very prone to attacking Penguins that are swimming in water or small boats crowded with Penguins that make are making a lot of noise since they have sonar hearing.

Genera and Species

  • Aptenodytes – great penguins
  • Emperor Penguins are the largest extant, mainstream species of penguin in Antarctica (according to zoologists), with an average height of four feet! They are also the second most common penguin in Antarctica.
  • A large penguin that is abundant on the Antarctic mainland except for the Happyface State.
  • Eudyptes – crested penguins
  • A species that originated on the Chatham Islands, they are now an abundant species in UnitedTerra, specifically in New Club Penguin. They are usually tall and skinnier than other penguins, with the average height being taller than Adelie Penguins and shorter than King Penguins. Famous Chatham Penguins are Ninjinian & Baby N.
  • Famous and distinct for their eyebrows, which range from looking like Rockhopper's black eyebrows to misplaced, long yellow whiskers, and everything in between. Depending on the individual Macaroni Penguin, these long eyebrows can either be of natural hair, or extended feathers. Macaroni penguins are almost exclusively characterized by these eyebrows, and Macaroni Penguins that try to rid themselves of these will pass for other types. When removed, they eyebrows grow back rapidly, often in less than seven days.
  • A common species of penguin, also known for their extravagant bushy eyebrows, and their love of rocks and rock-related activities. Rockhopper penguins have been classified as up to three distinct species by certain scientists, depending on where they're from. The differences between the supposed subspecies are usually behavior-based, or something about their eyebrows. Captain Rockhopper is the most famous Rockhopper penguin.
  • Eudyptula – little penguins
  • The only creature with square eyes, these odd Penguins are endemic to Pengolia. Khanz vary widely in height; they can be as small as Little Penguins or as large as Emperors. The tallest Khanz ever medically documented was four foot five, slightly above size of an Emperor Penguin. The smallest Khanz ever documented was eleven inches, the size of a Little Penguin. The average Khanz is the size of an Adelie Penguin, or about three feet.
  • One of the smallest Penguin species, not often seen in Antarctica. They are sometimes referred to as "Fairy Penguins" or "Little Blue Penguins", and can breed the easiest with Khanz penguins. (Little Penguins and short Khanz Penguins are often confused. Penghis Khan, for example, is a Khanz/Little hybrid.)
  • Megadyptes
  • Waitahas are a vulnerable species of penguin, that often grow to about two and a half feet tall. Most Waitahas live in the Land of Flystar55555.
  • Pygoscelis – brush-tailed penguins
  • One of the most common species of penguin in Antarctica.
  • Another common penguin species, Chinstraps are defined by a strip of black feathers on their chin, that look like a chinstrap.
  • Spheniscus – banded penguins
  • A species rarely seen in Antarctica due to their liking of a warmer climate.
  • Other Genus
  • An endangered species of penguins that live very long and grow as tall as humans. They created the Elemental Amulets, and are fond of lore, music, and good cheer. There are many varieties of High Penguin.
  • The so-called "Biological Stereotypes" (Genus Callidus), penguins that, by their very genetic inheritance are, by nature, biologically, and literally adapted and engineered- be it by natural selection or artificial trait breeding -to automatically adhere to well-known human stereotypes, ranging from geeks to anime fans to nonconformity.
    • Dorkugese Penguins (Callidus apparatus), famous for being, by genetic nature, inherently nerdy. All Dorkugese penguins, as a result of adaptation to their nerdy, artificial environment, have horrid eyesight, paled color, nasally voices, and certain allergies. This is a direct result of inheritance: nature, not nurture.
    • Jerk Penguin (Callidus convertiistemilitispuer), Latin for "smart rotate that soldier boy"), a type of penguin who bullies nerds. Strangely, they are closely related to the Dorkugese, so much that they share the same genus. They actually have similarly bad eyesight to the Dorkugese, though they mask this with sunglasses that sport magnifying lenses.
    • Gothguins (Callidus atriorluctus), another Callidus variant which dwells on pessimism, sadness, hopelessness, nonconformity, and the color black. As a species, Gothguins have distinct black shadows blocking the upper half of their face, obscuring their eyes, which are visible only as bioluminescent (glowing) yellow circles. The initial Gothguin generation believed the Geek Empire's Machine Rule was soon to be worldwide. Collectively, they are a species who, for one, welcome their machine overlords. They tend to shy away from social life and fights. Due to their nonconformity and pessimism, they are also ardent pacifists that shy away from conflict. Their lack of self-esteem usually means they are easily pushed around by other, more assertive species. Their pacifism and general bashful attributes mean that no one really bullies them. Picking on species that are naturally incapable of readily defending themselves is looked down on by society.
    • Prepguin (Callidus pecuniosusquodvilis), another species of penguin with the same genus of the Dorkugese and The Jerks. They seem to enjoy bullying Greaser Penguins more than Dorkugese. In turn, they are also bullied by Jerks and the Jocks. They're easily identified by their posh clothing and accents similar to Lichemblossome Terns. They are also more imperial than the other Callidus species, including Dorkugal. Poshia, the primary location for this species, has tried to take over Dorkugese lands. They successfully seized Dorkugal's Industry Isles and Dorkugal Minor territories.
    • Greaser Penguins (Callidus valdecatapult). Another callidus variant who are enemies to the Prepguis. They pick on the Dorkugese and try to look tougher then any other species but this tough stuff causes bullying by the Jocks and the Jerks. They have a fierce rivalry with Prepguins.
    • Otaku Penguins (Callidus duoeoi). A newly recognized, seperate species of the Callidus genus. Otakus are hybrids resulting from the breeding of a Dorkugese Penguin and a Japalandese Anime penguin.
  • Kanta Penguins (Genus Insulavictus): encompasses a range of penguins endemic solely to Kanta Island.
    • Southern Kanta Penguin (Insulavictus scientiautteneototus): The southern variety of Kanta Penguins. They use technology in large amounts like the Dorkugese, but use it to create more interesting items such as a tree that grows mullets and a radar that gives off a siren if there are any Doom Knights in the area. They refuse to cooperate with their northern variety, and vice-versa.
    • Northern Kanta Penguin (Insulavictus virtusutmosperpes): The northern variety of Kanta Penguins. Unlike their southern counterparts, Northern ones are more barbaric, not using technology and reside in some of the harshest areas in The Antartic. They are famous for their extremely thick coats of feathers, which make them look poofy and fluffy. They are soft to the touch.
    • Eastern Kanta Penguin ('Insulavictus illudutinaer'): An endangered variety of Kanta Penguins. They live in a large city kept in the air by a huge propeller.
    • Western Kanta Penguin ('Insulavictus vegrandistribus'): An extremely endangered variety of Kanta Penguins. Not much is currently known about them.
  • Ford Penguins, an extremely dangerous penguin whom Bullies worse than the dark.
  • Dark Penguins. A brutal, generally cruel-natured type of penguin native to the likes of New Forest and Dark Island, as well as deep in the taigas of scattered parts of Antarctica. They are distinctly noted by their darker-than-normal black feathers, red eyes, and height. They are not usually bullies, attacking only when provoked.
    • Sokarii Penguin- Penguins native to The Dark Island. It is debatable as to whether these are Dark Penguins on an island, or their own species.
  • Pengydonian Penguin, a penguin mainly found in Pengydonia.
  • Asiapelago Hybrids These penguins, found commonly in the Asiapelago and Margate, are a cross between the now-rare Zhouese/Enclave Penguins and Adelie Penguins. There are two main types.
    • Zhouese-Peletonium - A cross between Zhouese and Adelies. Penguins of this type arekiasu, which means that they always want the best and are afraid to lose out. This is partly why Margate is such a competitive country
    • Enclave-Peletonium - A cross between Enclaves and Adelies. Typically a shade of brown or black in color, their numbers are dwindling over the year and can only now be found in the Asiapelago , Margate and USA .
    • Japalandese Penguins - See below

Other Races of Penguin, Distinct Subtypes, Definitive Subcultures, and Disputed Classifications

These types of penguins are disputed as actual species and subspecies, but are nonetheless distinct from others. These are either mythical, unassessed, or are extremely defined subcultures.

  • Sroots are a short, stocky, race of penguin that live in mountains and mines. Some live in Archet. They were proven real after Twilight and Shadow.
  • Archetian Penguin. A tall species of penguin shorter than a Emperor Penguin but taller then a King Penguin. Common in the Happyface State and parts of Freezeland.
  • Z. Any penguin that has been physically and/or mentally fused (also called Z-similation) with the ZITHIA hivemind mainframe. They have Night Goggles and have the color green on some part of their body.
  • Demon Penguin (Malaluciferi zabuli), artificial, genetic experiments created and cloned by a mad scientist. They are heat-resistant and evil.
  • Dime Penguin. A physical birth defect in which a chick hatches without feathers.
  • Mwa Mwa Penguin, (Pygoscelis adeliae turpitudo), a subspecies of Adelie Penguin, the third word is Latin for deformity. The taxonomic classification of a Mwa Mwa is disputed. Also called "Pookies" and "Bay Bees".
  • PWNguin. A penguin that PWNs in every game known to penguinkind. Any species of penguin can be a PWNguin.
  • Super Penguin. Penguins that have Super Penguin powers. Any species of penguin can also be a Super Penguin, therefore making it taxonomically invalid.
  • Japalandese Anime Penguins. Distinguishable by being much shorter, eyes and beaks being far bigger in proportion to their bodies, and the ability to grow weird-colored hair as a natural color, Japalandese Animes seem to be the result of potent grasses native to Japaland. Whether or not they are a separate species has yet to be decided by taxonomists.
  • Japalandese Redneck Penguins. Similar in culture to Mattress Village and conservatives swaths of the USA, these penguins are not their own species, subspecies, or biological classification, but their extremely distinct culture (hicks with Japalandese traits) makes them separate from other hicks, hillbillies, and conservatives elsewhere.
  • Emoguins. Emoguins mimic most, if not all, Gothguin traits, but do this by choice (nurture), not by inheritance and nature. Any species of penguin can be an Emoguin. This being said, all Gothguins are Emoguins, but not all Emoguins are Gothguins. The untrained eye can always diffrientiate the two in that Gothguins have black shadow on the upper half of their face, obscuring, in black, their eyes, which are visible only as bioluminescent (glowing) yellow circles.
  • Jock Penguins. Like the Jerks but they usually like sports better. It's not a Callidus variant. Jock Penguins are considered Jerks adhering to a different lifestyle, and are therefore not their own taxonomic species.
  • Royal Penguins (Aptenodytes foronicus)- Possible offspring of a King and Emperor Penguin.
  • Yellow Penguins - Embodying traits similar to that of the Han, Yellow Penguins are typically found in MAI.
  • Northern Penguin (Downera spiralus) is an extremely rare variant of the regular penguin that are naturally adaptive to living underground, but are normally not found Antarctica.


Penguins are the first known species in the Antarctic world to construct structures that were used for living. Although the Igloo is the typically most popular structure in Mainland Antarctican suburbs and Club Penguin Island, regular houses made of wood, stone, adobe, or brick have been more popular in Antarctican major cities and the Ninja Archipelago.


Originally, all penguins have descended from the High Penguins on New Zealand that migrated to the island chain of Valnor. The first penguins of Valnor were known to be hunter/gatherer penguins, which meant that they frequently migrated to hunt the areas with the largest populations of fish. Early Valnorian Hunter/Gatherers lived together in large groups and slept together for warmth and protection. When taking care of chick eggs, early penguins would typically assemble a nest out of rocks, where they usually stayed and protected their young. As time progressed, some penguins created some small enclosures made of mounds of snow, where they would lay and protect their eggs; this became the basis and inspiration for the modern Igloo. When penguins discovered the cultivation of fruits and vegetables, settled establishments developed. The first true establishments were none other than the first true igloos, which were made of crude blocks and stones of packed snow. They were rather small in size and was only at first used for sleeping. Due to occasional bad weather such as snowstorms and rain, a small hearth and kitchen was added. Years later, the art of Igloo building was perfected as penguins learned to chisel ice blocks more precisely, which helped to expand igloo size increasingly. However, around 2400 BC, some Valnorian penguin tribes began to innovate with building, and they began to experiment building their homes out of wood from the old fruit trees that they grew as well as thatch from the wheat that they produced. The first non-igloo homes appeared as Long-Houses that contained extensive families and a kitchen. Some tribes also built a large central Long-House in the middle of their settlement as the home of the Chief as well as a meeting place. Later buildings began using stone and mortar around 2450 BC.

Spread to Antarctic Mainland

Sigurd and Bacchus, the sons of a Valnorian Chief, carried on their ancestors discoveries when they settled the Antarctic Mainland. Sigurd and Bacchus discovered and brought puffles to the mainland of Antarctica and the Ninja Archipelago, and they also taught the Free Puffles their architectural techniques. Bacchus, who settled the island of Snowprus, promoted the construction of buildings made of stone, since the terrain was rocky. Sigurd inhabited the Antarctic mainland, and he promoted both the building of Igloos and wooden long-houses, the latter of which he preferred. Eventually, Sigurd's capital city, Asgard, became an all wooden building city, with architecture that would become the standard for Viking architecture. However, the Khanz Penguins, who were descended from Sigurd, wished to regress the the lifestyle of the nomad. The Khanz invented the yurt, which was a large tent made of durable tarp and sticks. Though the Khanz were nomadic, they only stayed in the Region of Pengolia, which was originally home open plains and arable farmland. Meanwhile, the penguin tribes between the Vikings, Khanz, and Snowpriot Colonies varied in their architectural styles. The majority of the tribes near the Snowpriot Colonies borrowed their architectural style of stone buildings and red roofs, while others borrowed the style of wooden buildings from the Vikings. Penguin groups in the center of the Mainland build igloos, mud homes, and buildings out of reeds. However, almost all of these architecture styles died out except for the igloo, which remained in use by the Vikings when the Snowpriots and Vikings took up the remainder of non unified Antarctica not long before the arrival of High Penguins. The High Penguins from Valnor used similar architecture styles of the Vikings, since they are related, and nothing new was introduced. The Land of Lord Guin did not promote a single architecture, nor did the Babbeloneans. However, the Penguin Empire promoted the building of stone buildings, as it was heavily influenced by the Snowpriots. Hence, wooden buildings were only used by the poor and by the Penguin Empire's neighbors.

Architectural Expansion

By the time the Snowpriots had settled their main island, they had begun to build multistory buildings and large government buildings. The Penguin Empire adopted many aspects of Snowpriot style, as it built similar government buildings, palaces, and meeting houses with stone columns and elaborate statues that decorated the sides of walls and the edges of roofs. The Snowpriots introduced the Penguin Empire to building houses out of clay brick and the art of painting buildings. The Penguin Empire expanded its architecture mainly into Eastern Antarctica and the Ninja Archipelago. When the Penguin Empire fell in 450 AD, the High Penguin Confederacy also borrowed several aspects of the Penguin Empire's architectural style, but they also blended it with the styles of the Viking architecture. By the 1300's, all of the Ninja Archipelago and High Penguin Confederacy began to build multi-story buildings in their major cities that exceeded two to three stories, though none of the buildings exceeded 6 stories. By the late 1800's, the idea of compact living became a reality when apartments and small skyscrapers began to appear. Apartments became popular among the less wealthy and skyscrapers were beneficial with businesses, and their production skyrocketed even after the fall of the High Penguin Confederacy through the 1900's and continuing now.


Igloos are among the popular types of homes that Penguins (and Puffles) can live in. Their popularity are mostly seen in Club Penguin and mainland Antarctica, while in northerly places such as the Ninja Archipelago and Asiapelago tend to have homes made of wood, stone, and/or mortar. Igloos are thought to have been invented around 1500 BC, where scattered tribes of Emperor Penguins from the northerly islands learned to make "rocks" out of snow that was tightly packed and frozen. The first Igloos were crude and temporary, for they were only used by the nomadic Emperor Penguin tribes for a few days before they moved on. Such crude structures collapsed inward not long after a week, though their bases remained standing. Pressures from Viking, Khanz, and Snowpriot empires forced many of the Emperor Penguin tribes to settle down, and thus they innovated the igloo structure more so that no mortar was needed to keep the structure together. Early igloos did not have windows since glass was not introduced until the Middle Ages. By the time the High Penguins invaded during "Year Zero", igloos were commonplace among even the Vikings, Khanz, and Snowpriots, and thus the High Penguins also adopted it. Igloos were repeatedly experimented with in size, and the largest igloo ever made in ancient times was said to be 200 feet high and took almost a year to complete. Ever since, Igloos have been the signature home for the inhabitants of the USA, Freezeland, both Pengolias, the Federal Republic of Polaris, Regiao Lisboaguesa, and Club Penguin due to the abundance of snow and its cheap cost. Much. much more complex intentions are added. Like framing, modern modeling, etc.

Countries of Inhabitation

Main article: List of Countries

There are five Main Regions of Antarctica: The Mainland, UnitedTerra, the Ninja Archipelago, the Asiapelago, and the Sub-Antarctic (includes Yowien Sea).



  • Since Nightmare's first invasion of Antarctica back during the days of the High Penguin Confederacy, nearly every penguin has the X-Virus locked up in its genetic code. It can be triggered by a cold or a flu.
  • Penguins of the same genus can mate. For example, Kings and Emperors can mate, but Emperors and Adelies can't. High Penguins can mate with all penguins. Same goes for Northern Penguins.
    • There has been some exceptions. Max Trykornar, for example, is an Emperor and Peletonuim hybrid, but they are not from the same genus.
  • The majority of Penguins, most famously the Emperors, Rockhoppers, Vikings and others have 38 Chromosomes per cell. This means 19 Chromosomes come from the father and 19 come from the mother.

See Also

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