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A paffle, compared to a red puffle. Notice the strawberry sauce and frosting on the paffle.
A paffle, compared to a red puffle. Notice the strawberry sauce and frosting on the paffle.
Conservation Status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Subclass: Theria
Infraclass: Eutheria
Order: Figmentixyli
Family: Moschomicrotheridae
Genus: Moschomicrotherium
Species: callidus
Binomial Nomenclature
Moschomicrotherium callidus
Paffles are abundant throughout Antarctica, especially where pastries are located.
Paffles are abundant throughout Antarctica, especially where pastries are located.

Pastry Addicts

Paffles (Moschomicrotherium callidus I.E. funny little beast caller (originally funny little smart beast)) are big, fat, green puffle-like creatures. "They like pastries..." quite the understatement.


One day, G was eating a pastry. The pastry accidently fell into a cell phone/puffle hybrid (hence the scientific name), and the puffle broke out of the glass it was in, took G's credit card, dialed a bakery (in its mind, using the cell phone part of it), and ordered 6000 pastries. When the paffle had babies, the species lost the cell phone trait.


Thanks to the dropped pastry, paffles LOVE pastries. Like piffles and pie, paffles will do ANYTHING for pastries. There have been... incidents... that show how far they'll go to get pastries.


To adapt to their pastry eating habits, the paffles have built up a special resistance to the dreaded Fat. In fact, many scientists are studying the paffle to see if a cure for Fat can be found. The origin of the resistance seems to come in at the digestive system. However, it is still unknown how the resistance works.


Seeing as PeystreePawkits are high-demand in the paffle world and there can't be enough to feed everyone, paffles have created their own money system. 1 pastry is equivalent to 20 fish, one O-Berry to 2 pebbles, and a can of SqwezdPeystree (a paffle original) as 30,000 fish and 58 pebbles (you don't know how hard it is to juice a PeystreePawkit, the process actually takes 3 years.) Since the paffles use common objects for most of the currency, penguins and paffles can only trade cans of SqwezdPeystree in for USA currency.


  • Paffles are named after their pastry addiction.
  • They were going to be the smartest puffles, but G couldn't change it's intelligence quotient, so they are just as smart as other puffles. The only reason G didn't change the scientific name is the cell phone trait (alas, it was lost.)
  • Paffles aren't naturally big, in fact, paffle babies are as small as plankton when born. Paffles become bigger by eating pastries.
  • Paffles are able to make deletion javelins for self-defense.
  • It is illegal among the paffles to automate the making of SqwezdPeystree. Anyone who does shall be tracked down, no matter how hidden, and deleted.

See Also