Club Penguin Fanon Wiki:OOC Policy

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This is the policy on Out of Character Rules, or OOC rules. This determines which users are the authorities on the content of various articles.


  • OOC -- OOC means out of character. When an article is "used OOC", it means that it is being used in a way that does not match up with the facts stated in in the article itself or the opinions of whoever has OOC rights to that article.
  • OOC rights -- OOC rights to an article give the holder of said rights total control over the OOC boundaries of that article. They say what goes and what doesn't.
  • OOC boundaries -- The rules that state how an article should be used and how it should not be.
  • Fair game -- A state in which an article has no holder of OOC rights.
  • Continuity -- The OOC boundaries set by the mainstream content of the wiki in total. Users are to avoid breaking continuity (i.e., conflicting with several articles) at all costs.
  • Canon/Canonical -- Actual Club Penguin.
  • Canon Authority -- The OOC boundaries set by the real-world online game, Club Penguin, along with merchandise like the DS video game. Users should try to avoid breaking these boundaries at all costs.


  • Should a page not follow the OOC boundaries of one of the articles it mentions/includes, a user (that means any user) may demand that the page be rewritten to fit the OOC boundaries of said article. The same goes for images.
  • OOC rights to an article, by default, belong to the creator of the IDEA, not the user who actually wrote the article. If the creator wishes to do so, he/she can partially or totally turn over OOC rights to the user who wrote the article.
  • OOC rights may be given up by the holder at any time. OOC rights may be released into the public as Fair Game, or given to another user who adopts the article. The user who adopts the article should, out of respect, continue to follow the previous OOC boundaries set up by the previous holder of OOC rights and continued suggestions made by the previous holder.
  • Fair game articles by definition do not have a holder of OOC rights, and thus anyone can use or edit them. The OOC boundaries of fair game articles are determined by the content of the article alone.
  • Nothing can overrule canon authority EXCEPT by the following:
    • If a new, unique fact is established in CP canon and it conflicts with a PRE-EXISTING fact in fanon, in such a way that would drastically undermine the article's content, multiple articles, or the wiki as a whole, the pre-existing fact in fanon wins by the grandfather clause. Otherwise the site must conform. This is a case-by-case situation.
      • For example, if CP decreed that G was an only child, the CPFW article G's Family would be grandfathered, because such a situation would collapse a large span of articles and could not be edited easily. HOWEVER, if CP declared that Cadence had naturally brown hair, the article (which says her hair was naturally purple) could be re-written.
  • Nothing BUT canon authority can overrule continuity.
  • A fanon article about a canon concept CANNOT have a holder of OOC rights -- it must be released as fair game at all times. The said article will be governed by canon authority.
  • Should the holder of rights to an article quit or get banned, the article will be released as fair game for as long as the quit/block lasts.
  • The holder of OOC rights to an article has the absolute authority to forbid or remove a character from any story not authorized by him or her, regardless of the effects it would have on the story. As a wiki, one has the right to incorporate anything and everything in their work at whim, but as a fanon wiki, one is forced to honor the request of another writer to not use a character.
    • If no qualm is brought forth, silence implies consent, but any and all requests to remove a character must be honored.
      • If one fears that the rights holder of an article would object to the inclusion of their character in a story, it is best to ask for permission. In fact, asking for permission is considered a courteous and honorable action. When in doubt, ask.
  • The holder of OOC rights to an article may not delete that article upon quitting. It must be released into Fair Game or given to another user.
  • For an article to be deleted that the OOC holder no longer wants, it must not be linked to many articles or tied into continuity, it must be of low quality and difficult to expand upon. Any article put up for deletion by its OOC holder must be given to anyone who states their interest in adopting and expanding it.
  • Stories no longer wanted by the OOC holder must be short, lacking anything of substance, and the author must not have any intention of working on it further for it to qualify for deletion.
  • The Masses may call for seizure of intellectual property from any user for any reason they so desire, and to proceed to give it to whomever wants it (or release it), if six or more users all demand such and provide a valid, just reason.
    • Articles for Seizure are to be created in the article's talk page, and are to describe, after the heading of "ARTICLES OF SEIZURE", why the one who wants the article deserves to have it.
  • The OOC Policy does not apply to pages with the "User:" or "Archive:" prefixes. Any information written in userspace or archive-space is not considered part of continuity, and linking to these places from mainspace is not allowed.

Hostage Clause

The Hostage Clause prohibits a user from using their articles to exert leverage on the wiki and/or wiki continuity as a whole, and to further their own goals or agenda, regardless of intention to harm the wiki or not, including (but not limited to): demanding their articles be deleted, deleting the articles themselves, blanking/vandalizing the articles and re-writing the articles so it contradicts multiple other articles on the wiki. This is to prevent any one user from irreversibly destroying the very fabric of Fanon continuity, or holding the wiki hostage. Making these kinds of threats with expectation of a ransom or favor are also prohibited. This is to protect the general interest of the Club Penguin Fanon Wiki, and to prevent any one user from being able to destroy the site without care or regard for what they have contributed.

Simplified Rules

Since we're nice, we've included a T.L;D.R. version of the policy for those who get confused by formality.

  • You must follow the OOC boundaries of all articles when writing, drawing, or making anything. Otherwise other users can force you to redo your project.
  • Whoever comes up with the idea for an article gets to say what goes and what doesn't. The writer of the article does not get that right (unless the writer came up with the article's idea) unless the idea-make is not available.
  • You can give up or share your OOC rights to anyone else.
  • If the OOC rights of an article don't belong to anyone for a long time, then related articles will define what goes in said article and what doesn't. Ditto with Fair Game articles.
  • OOC boundaries can be defied if six or more users approve of it, or if a vote is held and the majority approves of it.
  • Canon always wins, except if new canon would drastically harm a chunk of the wiki
    • Only canon can defy continuity. Nothing else.
  • An article about something canon (in the online game, merchandise, or affiliates) can't have a holder of OOC rights. It's Fair Game.
  • If you are the holder of an article's OOC rights, and you get banned or quit, your article will be Fair Game for as long as you're away.
  • Ask before using someone else's article in one of your own stories/articles.
  • You can't delete any of your articles upon quitting. The article(s) must be given away or released into Fair Game. Articles that are short or insignificant may qualify for deletion if you don't want any more, but you must give them to another user if they wish to improve them.
  • You can't threaten to delete or vandalize your articles if the community doesn't cave into whatever demands you want.
  • Silence implies acceptance of the writing.
  • When in doubt, ask for permission or advice.