Blast from the Past Nilo describes events that happened in the Past, as researched by the Time Agency. Be aware that these events are not in the Present or the Future, just the Past. They may be dead, torn down, or simply nonexistent in the present. |
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Locations | |
Country | Yow Kingdom |
Area | 156 square miles |
Headquarters | Nilon Mayor's House |
Neighbourhoods | Downtown, Nova Lisboa, Zhoutown, East Feeyton, West Feeyton, Nilo Island |
Mayor | John Temple |
Population | |
Population | 75,000 |
– rank by 2009 | 13,000 |
Inhabited species | Viking Penguins, Puffles, Terns |
General information | |
Native name | Nilo |
Foreign name | Nilo |
Demonym | Nilon |
Founded | 1990 |
– Founder | Mary Temple |
Time zone | YST (Yowien Sea Time) |
Summer time | SYST (Summer Yowien Sea Time) |
Nilo City was the 2nd largest city in Yow Kingdom. It was located on the South tip of the island.
The city was will known for its great stadiums, and sport-related things. Nilo had large buildings, and some skyscrapers. It was also home to most of the diverse foreign language speaking Yowiens.
Nilo City was set right next to a large military base, actually the largest military base Yow had. The military base dealt with navy, and air force things. Fighter jets, and navy ships were often seen in Nilo.
Nilo was a large port city, with many sport fans.
Nilo had ancient ruins on the Northern peninsula, which were built by the Hokjoks long ago. It is believed that the Hokjoks used the area, which Nilo is located in, for their fishing and boating economy. Back then the Hokjoks made money by selling fish to injured, or poor terns. For some reason the Hokjoks built a large temple, which collapsed five years before Alexander Clanin crashed on the island. It is believed that a Hokjok emperor lived in the temple, and ruled the Yowien Sea.
The city was established when Castillan merchant ships accidentally landed at the wrong spot, and started to build a city. It was discovered that they had built the city by Lisboagese merchants that were lost too. Soon the city was officially established in the Yow Kingdom. It was well prosperous, but when the Polarians invaded, many Castillans were called back to live in Castilla or its colonies. The Lisboaguese stayed, and the Zhouese immigrants took the Castillans' place.
Ironically enough, Nilo also fell to the Castillans in The Great Yowien War in 2013, when the Castillans launched a major offensive against the region. In a battle became what became known as the Nilo Offensive, the Castillan armed forces came together and shelled the whole region of Nilo, then following up with a major land invasion and an air battle. Nilon citizens had to hide in their basements and in the subway stations to prevent getting destroyed. After the fighting ended, the Castillans had completely controlled the desolate ruins that was once Nilo. All the citizens were deported, many of them fled to the USA and Polaris as refugees. After it was abandoned, the Castillans looted the remains of the city and turned the area into a large oil field after the discovery of oil was made on the island.
Places Tourist Should See

Nilo was well known for its stadiums, and parks. It also has great surfing areas, and shopping malls. Tourist usually travel to Nilo to see the malls, churches, beaches, and stadiums. The Nilo Museum of Sports is the biggest, and most well-known museum in Nilo. It is all about sports in the Yow Kingdom, it is connected to the Nilo Stadium.
- Nilo Stadium
- The biggest stadium on all of Yow Kingdom Island. It could seat 9,000 guests, not counting puffles. It actually supports a lot of Nilo's economy, because if it closed down 200 workers would be unemployed. It receives a annual fund fro mthe city of 800 Gold Coins.
- Nilo Island
- It is a small island off the tip of Nilon Peninsula, and is every odd. A large church is located there, and the people who live there are really rebellious. The island has a very strong police force, and the island seems to be governed by the church itself. The island has rebelled against Yow before, only for their military to completely fail and the island become Yowien again.
- Academy of Nilons
- It was the second biggest college in Yow Kingdom, and is very famous. The founder wanted to make a repeat of A+ High, a famous school in the past, and he did. The academy is still running today, and producing over 13% of Yow's graduates. It is open to tourist on the weekends.
- New Coast Mall
- It was one of the biggest malls in Antarctica, and has over 70 shops. It also has five arcades, two lazer tag arenas, 8 chick playgrounds, an indoor water park, and an indoor theme park. It has a profit of 9 million coins each year, and keeps the economy going smoothly.
Nilo was a very warm city, the average temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The highest recorded temperature was 28 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer of 2000. Nilo also has some scattered forests, and swamps. The beaches are warm, and instead of snow beaches they have sand beaches. Nilo has an average of 100 days of sunshine out of the whole year, and the rest are either winter or raining. There have been records of storm clouds appearing, but no rainfall. The earliest record for this is a painting in the Hokjok Temple ruins.
Coat of Arms

The official Coat of Arms, or the city Seal, is actually from a specific Castillan navy division. The Castillan version showed a 1600 century navy ship, attacking a 1900 century navy ship. On the top, in Spanish said "United We Can't Fall". This original seal was used in the 22nd Division of Castilla's Navy, which was completely destroyed during their attempts to destroy Puffle'and.
The Nilon Coat of Arms shows a fighter jet in the sky. Below, and above it are written "United We Can't Fall" in both Greek and English. The top text is written with symbols, while the text below is written in English.
Famous Locals
- Dan Pover
- A great hockey player, and surfer. He has won the Hockey World Cup four times, and has won six surfing competitions. He also has won The Olympics for Yow once.
- The Un-Named Penguin
- He is the secret developer of Angry Terns, and will not reveal his identity. It is unknown where he lives, how old he is, or anything. The only thing known about him is that he lives in Nilo.
- John Temple
- Is the son of one of the founders, Mary Temple, and is currently the mayor. He is in his twenties, and was born in Nilo. He is very brave, and smart. Many call him "a born leader".
Nilo is well known for their great soccer, and football teams. Soccer is the #1 sport, with football #2, and baseball #3. Soccer is very popular because of the large amounts of Lisboaguese and Castillan immigrants in Nilo, which came over since in Castilla and Lisboagal, soccer is very popular. In Nilo, it just became even more popular, even after the Castillan exodus of Yow.
Nilo's soccer team is the Nilon Knights, the greatest soccer team in Yow Kingdom. It is sometimes asked to play games against Castilla's FC Varcelono and Real Metido.
- The word Nilo is the Spanish translated word for Nile.
See Also
Eastshield & Polar District Blizzardville | Ciudad Vieja | Delfinopolis | Geattle | Gemini | Glassyglow | Inland | Kingston | Lunixham | Mattress Village | McDonalds City | Nightlife City | Snellville | Snow José | Snow Freezecisco | South Pole City | Southern Ocean City | Sub Zero City | Ternville | Whiteout | Yoenah |
Happyface State & Archet Archet | Finwe's Draw | Hashville | New Happyface City | Snowgo |
Trans-Antarctica Antilles | Aquarius | Arcadia | Everton | GourdZoid | Isotope | Manletsburg | Mojave | Newton Town | Pengu Town | Periwinkle Town | Sealville | Sunshine Fjord |
Antarctic Peninsula Aurelia | Bottoms Up | EmotiVille | East Bank City | Lincon Port | Penjuana | Shiverpool |
Sub-Antarctic Club Penguin | Club Penguin City | Palm Island | Portal Island | Tri-State Lane | Sunday Harbor | Terrain Island | Valley Island | Verun Island |
Polaris Enderby City | Penguville | Polaris | Snowville |
All other cities |