Lane Ants

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Lane Ants

Lane being normal.
Nicknames Ants
Title Prince Lane Ants
Gender Male
Race Viking Penguin
Health Great
Status Fighting against Coldless
Location Barbearer Islands
Birth date June 11th, 1990(aged 21)
Occupation General
Employer Coldless, then King Alexander
Salary 78,000 Gold Coins
Height 4ft. 2in.
Feather color Lime Green
Fur color Lime Green
Color Lime Green
Hair color None
Nationality Caltexican
Country of residence Barbearer Islands
Hobbies Slicing fruit, making bird houses, dancing
Interests Warfare, Keysabers, Baking
Strengths Is very strong and has a history of warfare
Weaknesses Is not as skilled as most Keysaber users, and gets sick easily
Allergies Corn, Red Peppers
Favourite color Black
Fears Ghosts, Holes, Tight Spaces
Jail time accumulated 4 hours
Times arrested 1
Net worth 100,000 Gold Coins
Friends Feey1, King Alexander, Ish2, Dare23
Enemies Coldless, Gary, Sockhopper
Archetype Good Guy
Military allegiance Prince Ants
Military rank General
Medals/decorations received Medal of Honor
Years served 3 years
Weapon of choice Keysaber, Snowball Gun, Bazooka, Snow Rifle

Lane Ants is a penguin who speaks with a deep Italian ascent, though he came from Caltexico. He moved to the Barbearer Islands when he was 19 years old, and became a general there.



Lane Ants was born June 11th, 1990, in Caltexico. His mother had a Ligurian heritage, while his father was from Puffle'and who later moved to Liguria as a chick. Both his parents had perfect Italian accents, and because his parents taught him Italian as his first language, he grew up to have one too. At his school chicks teased him and his accent, and he didn't feel in place because many thought he was from the richer colony of Parhentina, who also have a lot of Spanish speaking Ligurians. He had no friends, at all. He played a lot of board games with his father, and they had a great relation together. Lane liked to play with stuffed animals, and would sometimes pretend they were real friends. But as he got older he started to like warfare and weapons a lot, this would change his entire life.

Teenage Years

In 2005, when Lane was fifteen his father came home from work looking a bit sad. The next day Lane learned that his father had lost his job. Lane's dad tried to find another job but he found nothing, and then their house was taken by the bank. They ended up living in a alley, for five months until Lane's dad won the lottery. They moved out of Caltexico and moved to Yow. There they lived nice and rich, and the chicks at school didn't tease him. They lived well, until Lane's father lost his job again. So they moved to the Barbearer Islands. Lane graduated there and became a general in Coldless' army.

Adult Years

Lane has only had a job as a general for three years, but has become an expert at it. He is considered one of the best generals in the Far North Ocean(are involving Yow, Barbearer Islands, F Island, June Islands, and Rockhopper Island). Coldless has given him the rank of Supreme General, and the Medal of Awesomeness. In the Barbearic Islands while looking for a job he meant someone in a bakery. Her name was LD, and she had blond hair. Before the Barbearic Crab War Lane proposed to her, and she said yes. Lane will be married in between the Barbearic Crab War and Crab War 1. Besides being a general he sometimes bakes muffins and cakes. In the Great Yowien War he commanded the Eastern Command(in other words 1/3 of Yow's army). He surrendered his force at Nilo and was captured. Lane was held as a prisoner in Nilo for the rest of the war. He currently lives in the Castillan Corridor.


Lane is very strong, and smart. Though he cannot hide or run easily. He can use his large math skill to calculate math, and use his strong fists to beat something(or someone) up. He has a signature move called THE WHACK. He puts his flippers together and makes them into a fist. Then he swings it wildly at the enemy. He is also a Brown Belt Ninja in Card Jistu.


He is not very quick at running, and can easily be distracted. Sometimes his enemies would point at a cloud and make him look at it, then hit him. Plus tends to forget to always watch his back, making it easy for enemies to sneak up behind him.


Lane has many weapons, and tends to hire Feey1 to make him one-of-a-kind weapons. He has been trained with the Keysaber, Snowball Gun, and lazer gun. He taught himself at the bazooka. He sometimes uses medieval weapons, like swords and a mace.

Here is a list of all the weapons Lane uses (bold means he has more than one) :


Barbearic Crab War

When Coldless turned 61 years old, and was looking for a successor for his throne. Lane was made the successor. Coldless took a vacation to Yow, and left Lane in charge. Three hours into the vacation Coldless got a phone call from Lane. Lane said this:

Coldless, it's-a me! Listen I-a have some bad news-a.
The crabs-a, they have-a declared war on-a us! Their-a attacking Billings as I-a speak!

Lane and Coldless met each other at Fort Mchappy, Topia. After three months of the war Coldless had turned evil, and was scaring Lane. One day Lane was so angry at Coldless he said he would fight for the crabs. Lane and Coldless got in a duel with Keysabers. Lane was thrown in jail, then was later freed by Ish2.

Watching WHAT?!?

In 2007 a movie called WHAT?!? came to a theater in Topia.Lane thought it would be a good movie, so he invited LD to come with him. Within 50 minutes of the movie Lane couldn't take it anymore. He opened the lid of his soda and threw it at the screen, then he ran through the screen screaming: "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!". 19 minutes later he came back with a bazooka and blasted the screen to smithereens. Later he had to pay for the destroyed screen, which cost 50,000 Pebbles. For the rest of the month it seemed like he was going to go broke.



Lane usually uses his Motor Scooter, and sports car to get around. But he can also fly a helicopter, and captain a sea ship. Though he does not know how to fly an airplane, or control a Penguin Super Suit. Out of all his vehicles he uses his Motor Scooter the most.




  • His favorite color is black.
  • He has never met Jock Hochstadt in person, but has rather spoke to him in letters and email.
  • Sometimes he sings Row, Row, Row Your Boat Gently Down The Stream without even knowing he is.

See Also