Hans Traugott

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The Exalted Hans Traugott, Chairman of Puffalia

Hans during the Frosian War, a few weeks before his death.

Chairman of Puffalia
In office
June 23, 2013 – June 22, 2014
Deputy General Olaf
Preceded by The Three Presidents
Succeeded by The Axle Powers

Hans Traugott (1979 - 2014) was the evil Superiorist chairman or Vorsitzende of Puffalia. He was an extremely sleazy, manipulative, and scary penguin who would go to any length to achieve his goals. He stalked his prey before dealing with them, often in a violent manner. He was one of the leaders of The Puffalia Conflict, and is credited with achieving Puffalian independence. He also declared Shops Island "The sworn enemy of the Puffalian people". Hans saw Puffalia's ultimate height in power during the Frosian War. However, he also lost his life in war at the hands of none other than Lavender.


Hans was born to a poor family on April 12, 1979, in Munchen, Alemania. He wasn't given any formal education, and was always picked on as a chick due to being poor. This gave him a cold heart. As a teenager, however, he once found love. He found a nice girl who he was in love with, and the feeling seemed mutual. However, it wasn't. The girl stopped talking with him, and he became heartbroken. Hans went into a state of extreme sadness, followed by a state of anger and vengeance which stays with him until this day. In 2009, he was jailed under the oppressive Snoss regime. However, he and two other inmates were able to escape from the guards while being transported from one facility to another. The three escapees stole a motorboat and made off with it, and set off for better land. They arrived in what is now Puffalia, and established a settlement. They soon sent for some of their friends who came and populated the island. They were put in a formal position of power when the Shoppers occupied Puffalia in April 2013. Ever since then, Hans had been the leader of many rebellions against Shops, and was a main commander in The Puffalia Conflict. After Puffalia gained its independence, Traugott would come to rule the country with an iron flipper, and his people ended up suffering greatly under his oppressive Superiorist regime.

Frosian War

During the short time of Puffalia's nationhood, the country quickly deteriorated under Hans' poor leadership; most of his citizens lived in extreme poverty, and the streets were littered with trash. Fed up with this disappointment of a nation, he decided that drastic measures had to be taken.

In early January of 2014, Hans assembled his closest confidants, advisors, and generals together to create a strategy for increasing Puffalian wealth and power. Due to the country's pitifully small military and non-existent economy, most of the ideas were quite creative and outlandish. Hans personally decided to engage in piracy, thinking that simply pillaging the ships of other countries would be a legitimate method of financial gain. It worked for a while, before Shops Island caught on to his plans and began sending the navy out to escort merchant ships. Fed up with this, Hans ordered the construction of specialty submarines to deal with the naval convoys; this plan worked quite well, and the Puffalians were able to pillage large amounts of goods from wrecked Shopper ships.

It didn't take long, however, for the Shoppers to seriously hamper Hans' U-Boat onslaught. So, under the guidance of Zhouese president Wu Jiao, he decided to try something even more drastic. Puffalia decided to launch an attack on the critical Shopper-held Frosian Islands and, despite all odds, were able to secure it after plenty of fierce fighting. Now that Traugott had gotten Antarctica's attention, he decided to push his luck further and further, using his new possessions to fuel the conquest of much more powerful nations and territories, such as New Delphis, Polaris, Freezeland, and Malesia.

It would take a long time for Shopper and Allied forces to finally gain the upper hand, and by this time it was clear that Hans' fate was sealed, and quite bleak. As the war began to progress rapidly in the enemy's favor, most of his forces were forced to fall back to Puffalia and to guard the homeland. Under the threat of Squarium and nuclear bombardment, Hans was forced to live out the last days of his life in a bunker under the streets of the capital, Triskale. In this bunker, Hans and his confidant Sven Olaf would die in hand-to-hand combat against General Broseph and president Lavender himself.

Hans was able to use the Frosian War as a tool to unite all of Shops Island's enemies and Lavender's personal foes in an epic fight which took all of Antarctica by storm. Historians are still puzzled to this day as to how Traugott was able to spearhead such a successful war effort from such a small and insignificant nation.


Hans Traugott is seen by much of Antarctica as a figure of scorn, due to his multiple horrendous penguin rights abuses and his determination to wage a brutal war against most of Antarctica, particularly against Shops Island. Although his role in history has been widely regarded as negative, many opponents of Shops Island and president Lavender think of Traugott as a martyr, who went as far as to give his life for the Superiorist cause.


Due to his unfortunate childhood, Hans' personality was notoriously bitter and unsympathetic. He could put up a good front as a charming, suave, and persuasive deal-maker, but this facade quickly faded as he got angry. His leadership of Puffalia showcased his notoriously hot temper and his disagreeableness. When challenged by anyone, even his closest confidants, his response would be a summary execution of anyone who dared question his word. He also believed that he had the divine right to rule over Antarctica, and used this kind of rhetoric frequently to encourage his people during the Frosian War.



  • Even though he ran a Superiorist government, he still wore the Fish and Sickle proudly until the day he died.
  • Some people accused him of being a Neo-Naughtzee.
  • His best friend was General Olaf.

See Also