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Flamehopper | |
![]() FEAR ME!!! | |
Profile | |
Gender | Male |
Race | Penguin |
Faction | Str00del Force |
Health | Excellent |
Level | 810 |
Status | At Large |
Location | Traveling |
Flamehopper is an evil penguin, distantly related to Rockhopper. He is a Member of the Str00del Force.
Flamehopper was once a normal penguin. He was quite friendly and had quite a few friends. Unfortunately one day he discovered a container with Ditto in it. He thought it was his favorite drink, Citric Free Cream Soda, so he took a drink. When he was finished he turned evil, and could suddenly shoot flames from his flippers. He decided to join the Str00dels but was later accidentally sucked into a Penguin Portal. He has been trapped since, yet he is able to speak with Captain Str00del.
Flamehopper is Rockhopper's cousin's cousin's uncle's girlfriend's brother's friend's former roommate's clone. I told you he was distantly related. Flamehopper attacks with his fire powers, similar to Flame Knights. He can be defeated by a water attack though not as easily as Flame Knights. His fire attacks are useless for breaking out of portals though.
- He is highly allergic to lemons and any other fruit containing citric acid. The Antics Brothers exploit this frequently, throwing lemonade, limeade, and orange juice at him when he comes into range.
- Has esperidoeidiphobia, the fear of citric acid (see above). Explorer exploits this by constantly screaming "CITRUS!!!" and similar interjections at him when he comes into range.
- His hat doubles as a grill. Some penguins have even tried to grill fish on it.
- His abilities are powered by charcoal, which he tosses into his hat-grill.
- He is very afraid of Fruit Blasters.
See also
Leader:* Captain Str00del |
Link Division:* Link, Linky, Newman |
Really Evil Members: Mother of the Puppets, Copier Guy, Mr. Unknown, Serious Cat |
Evil Members: Casey, Flamehopper, Ace, Pink Persons, Ernie, Toaster223, Willow546 |
Good Members*: Mister Bean, Three Random Head Banging Drivers, Master McWaffle, Mister Lobaloba, Maria Denise, Lettuce40801 (as W4FFL3-L0RD) |
Honorary Members*: Professor Zlo Shroomsky, Melvin Turtleheimer, Billy Mays, Communist Poker Face |
Pathetic Members: Sergeant Str00del, Sp00nzoid*, Ghost Penguin, Fredrick the Weirdo, Alxeedoo Spammer, M0AR KRABS*, Spoon Pirates |
Allies: Flywish's Army |
Items: Spam Bombs, ROFLCOPTER WEAPON, and ROFLCOPTER COPTER (which both go SOI SOI SOI), ROFL Waffles, Amac Video, Waffle, Stroodeloshe |
Places: Waffleland |
Wannabes: Slumolia, Hobos of The Slums, Ben 100022 (rejected), Flywish (rejected), XenguinXuffXude (fired) |
* = Reformation to Good |