Corai Frish

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Corai von Frish II
"I despise that Cesspool...
Title Weekee Edittor
Gender Male
Race Adelie Penguin
Faction CPW
Health Good
Level Exactly 28 years old
Status Editting, breaking the fourth wall, making friends.
Location Anywhere
Occupation Edittor
Interests Editting, making friends, good, rain.
Friends Most CPW edittors.
Enemies Walri, Un-CP edittors.
Archetype Good

Corai Frish is a Club Penguin Weekee editor, a very active one indeed.


When Frish was young, he always heard voices narrating his life, what he ate, what he dreamed, what he did. Everything, he did not even know what this was. He eventully learned about the Fourth Wall.

Early CPW Carrer

Soon after he learned about the fourth wall, he learned about the Club Penguin Weekee. He packed as much as he could in his playercard to went to make friends. When he arrived, he instantly fixed a Red leenk, this make a bystander confused about someone new to the Weekee knew how to use a Leenk.

Mid CPW Carrer

Frish wasn't having a good time at the CPW, he never truly could do things right over then correct Leenks and make friends. This all changed Late 2009, he got inspiration from his friend, Corai. He put up his game and started fixing leenks, making friends, expanding articles, all that stuff as much as he could. Scoring him up a lot of edits.

Late CPW Carrer

To be written



  • He can fluidly break the Fourth Wall.