Help:Club Penguin Fanon for Newbies

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Hello, welcome to CPF for Newbies! Here, you new users will learn how to edit, make a signature, make good stories, and more! This guide will... guide you with a straight-forward tutorial on everything you need to know - and do! - on the Club Penguin Fanon Wiki. This is for your own benefit, and for multiple reasons. So that you don't get in trouble for doing something wrong, know what to do, know how to do & much more! With a lot of effort gone into this, we hope you read this and know what to do & how to do on the Club Penguin Fanon Wiki. Thank you!

Originally created by Happyface414, Ninjinian & Explorer 767. Revamped in 2012 by Star kirby12. Currently being written by Penstubal & Nicktang10.

Chapter 1: Syntax

In this chapter...

You will learn how to use fancy symbols and coding to format text on the wiki. Remember, if you want more, you can check Help:Editing afterwards.


What you just read above is called a heading. Headings divide pages into sections. You can make headings by making two equal signs. Just do this:

== Insert Title Here ==

Under the heading, you can write whatever relates to the title of the heading. Headings divide articles into sections by topic. You create headings by putting at least one equals sign on both sides of the heading text. You can make the headings smaller. To make headings smaller, add an equal amount of equals at the beginning & end. The more equals on either side, the smaller the heading gets...

= Biggest Heading =
== Second Biggest ==
=== Getting smaller... ===
==== Even smaller... ====
===== Very small! =====


Smaller headings like the one above, called subheadings, fit into bigger headings. Subheadings are used to split a topic into subtopics that are all related to one another, like this:

== Culture ==

=== Cuisine ===

=== Sports ===

==== Basketball ====

==== Hockey ====

=== Customs & Manners ===


Links are text that, when clicked, lead you to a different article, like this. Links are blue to distinguish themselves from the rest of the text, and are made by putting two square brackets on either side of the text:


Which turns out like this:


When you want to link to an an article but display different text, like we did in the link above (which leads you to a random page), you use a pipe symbol ( | ):

[[Mabel|JO MOMMA!]]

Which turns out like this:


Clicking the link will bring you to the article "Mabel".

Redlinks are links that lead to a non-existent article, like this. (There is no article called "This".) They are colored red, hence the name. You don't want too many redlinks in your articles.

External links are links that lead off the site. They look like this:


Which turns out like this:

When you want to display different text in an external link, you separate the text to be displayed from the URL by a space, like this:

[ CP]

Which turns out like this:


Clicking "CP" will bring you to Club Penguin's site.

Links should be used whenever another article is mentioned. Articles should have a fresh, healthy dose of blue links.


Formatting is like making your text bold, italic, bold-italic, crossed, BIG, or small

To make text bold, use '''(text here)'''

To make text italic, use ''(text here)''.

To make text bold italic, use '''''(text here)'''''.

To make text crossed, use <s>(text here)</s>.

To make text big, use <big>(text here)</big>. Also, the more <big>'s you add, the more bigger your text gets!

To make text small, use <small>(text here)</small> Also, the more <small>'s you add, the more smaller your text gets!

It's that simple.


An image is a decoration to your article!

To put an image, use:


You can also add an pipe ( | ) in front of the format and then pixel size (e.g. 250px) to change size of the image, like this:


We will take [[File:PatrickTeaDrawingSnow.png|250px]] as an example:

See what we get?


Galleries are practically, well, galleries.

They make it so you can easily put small thumbnail sized pictures without any "(number)px" and such.

An example is:


We will take


as an example.


If you add a pipe ( | ) next to the file format, you can write text!

File:Antarctica.png|Map of Antarctica

Which turns out like this:

Chapter 2: How to Make an Article

Articles are pages that talk about items or entities in the wiki. They are located on the mainspace. (Note: You must be a member here for atleast 4 days, and have made 10 edits before proceeding to create an article!)

To make an article, you first need to go to Club Penguin Fanon Wiki:New Page. The fastest way to get there is to click a link on the Sidebar (a menu of links under the logo to the left of every page), titled "Create a Page". It's the exact same thing as the one over here.

This is where you can create a new page. Just type in the name and hit "Create Page"!

<createbox> bgcolor=white default=Insert page title here! buttonlabel=Create Page </createbox>

Please remember to obey our rules!

Once you have clicked that, you will be lead to a special page where you can write your article. There are different types of articles that you can make. Articles can be about a character, place, city, country, event, war... practically anything that has to do with Club Penguin or this wiki! Once you write your page, write down categories! Categories link to pages with the same type, such as "Characters", "Events", "Items", and "Elite Penguin Force". Below is an example of a list of categories from the page Star Kirby12.

Here is the code to copy/paste into your work, it does not matter where you put is as it automatically drops down to the bottom of the page. For example, for time related articles:


In order to do multiple categorisations, you must do separate links, like so:



James Erasmus Kwiksilver

Kwiksilver as drawn by the famous Speeddasher around April 2011.
Born August 20, 1995
South Pole City/Shiverpool
Died September 15, 2020, Age 25
Wikia Control Room
Cause of death Deletion
Nationality Antarctican
Occupation Journalist, Time Agent, Courier, Soldier, Astronaut
Known for Saving the entire multiverse, reforming the Time Agency
Successor Willy the Penguin

Every article needs to have a infobox! The infobox holds general information about the article. For example, an article about a character needs to have {{IB-Char}}, but for an article about an item needs {{ItemInfobox}} on it. Cities need {{Infobox city}}, holidays, {{Infobox holiday}}, countries, {{Infobox Country}}, etc. If an article does not have an infobox, you need to get the one that matches with the article topic, and fill it in. An infobox includes general information that does not need to be written under headings, such as the name, an image, location, and more, depending on what the article is about. To the right is an example of a basic character infobox. The character Kwiksilver is in 2, and {{IB-Char}} can also be used for new articles.


The top of the page is called the Introduction. It sums up the most important bits of the article. The first thing you write in the introduction is the article's name, and it has to be in bold! A stable introduction has to be at least a short paragraph, about 4-6 sentences is enough. Introductions generally name what the subject of the article does. Below is an example, taken from one of our best articles, Explorer 767.

Explorer 767 (1990-) is an Adelie penguin living on Club Penguin Island. He is the younger of the Antics Brothers and is well known for being an excellent prankster. His older brother is Fred 676. He's also a member of Antarctica's Protectors.

Introductions can be as long as two to four paragraphs, but they cannot be too long, because their purpose is just to sum up the article. Details go into the sections below infoboxes. Here is an example from another one of our best articles, Willy the Penguin.

William Jay Penguin known to most people as Willy or to his friends, Will, (1997-) is an Adelie penguin who currently resides on Club Penguin island. High Penguins hail him as one of their own, (as he is a quarter High Penguin) The Wielder of The Blade of Light and future wielder of Sentinel, and the aide to "one of the greatest heroes of all time". To most others, however, he's known for being a "silly sidekick".

Willy is the youngest out of his siblings and friends, which often leads to his irritation at his peers and superior's condescending remarks about his maturity. He's often underestimated, due to his age and naivete. His social anxiety and his misunderstanding of himself, and others of himself have often resulted into the accidentally solving of many conflicts. He's also a member of Antarctica's Protectors.


There are other sections below the introduction, such as "Background", "Involvement", and "Trivia". Fill these in accordingly.

  • Background -- Tell the history behind the article's subject.
  • Involvement -- Tell what the subject does in the present and how it interacts with the rest of the world.
  • Description -- Describe the subject in appearance.
  • Trivia -- Tell small facts that don't belong in the Infobox, introduction, or any of the other sections. Make sure you don't flood the article with trivia, though.
  • Internal Links/See also -- Link to other related articles.

Orginate Your Character!

To ensure your character representative doesn't get bad criticism, you want to ensure your character does not have an ego. Please do not have articles that begin like this.

CookieMunster is the mst powerful penguin ever. He hs all card-jitsu cards, conrols club penguin, owns twenty-five mansions, and defeated Herbert. He is a ninja, a tour-guide, a top-agent,ad the director of the PSA.

Have your character have one job, and only good at one thing. Don't have them have super powers, and rule a country. When you become a very good editor, you may expand your character's ego.

DO NOT go cliche. We've seen a lot of ninjas, and that stuff. BE ORIGINAL. CLUMSY Tour guide? GREAT! Fat ninja? SURE! ALWAYS have your character have weaknesses.