Club Penguin Fanon Wiki:Administrators

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Different users have access to different functions of the site. While anyone can do most things on the site, including reading and editing, administrators can access a few additional functions.

Administrator abilities

These additional functions include:

  • Deleting and undeleting pages, and uploaded files.
  • Reverting all edits a user has done on a page to the last revision by another user.
  • Patrolling history of an edit.
  • Locking (protecting) a page so it cannot be edited or renamed by users without admin rights or autoconfirmed status.
  • Blocking IP addresses or user names from editing; and very quick "rollback" of undesirable edits.
  • Editing the interface by changing system messages and skins.

Bureaucrat abilities

A bureaucrat can make other users into bureaucrats or administrators on their own wiki. However, they are not currently able to remove bureaucrat access from any user (including themselves); please contact one of the Network Staff members if you need that done.

Bureaucrats can also give users the ability to "rollback" edits not made in good faith.


CPWN Staff have full access to the hosted wikis. A list is here.

Your Helpful Admins

The wiki's current administrators have all been elected by the community, through our Requests for Adminship page. For a complete list of users with administrator access, see Special:Listusers/sysop.

  • Fully Active - These are the best users to contact when you need an administrator. They log on and edit on a regular basis.
  • Partially Active - These users log on from time to time, usually once every few days. These users are good to contact, but not for emergencies. These users may be active on IRC, but not fully active here. You may wish to visit our IRC channel to see them and the rest of the Active Admins.
  • Inactive - Do not contact these users. They do not log on at all. They will be demoted soon. Whether or not they will keep their rights is currently being discussed (usually on our IRC channel).
  • Away - These users are currently away. (e.g. on vacation), and their temporary inactivity has been excused.

Note: Some admins use different names on IRC, which are not their wiki usernames.

Administrator name Signature Promotion date Time zone Bureaucrat? Status
United Kingdom Kwikxilver (talk | contribs | deleted contribs | blocks | email) -Kwikxilver (talk) August 2024 GMT (UK) Yes Fully Active
United States EDFan (talk | contribs | deleted contribs | blocks | email) --User:EDFan 14 October 2024 GMT -5 (Eastern) No Fully Active



EDFan (Formerly EDFan12345) is one of the oldest active members of the Club Penguin Fanon Wiki, having joined in Fall 2009. He is an avid country and military technology enthusiast, and is a good user to ask any questions about those subjects. If not actively editing the wiki, he can usually be reached most of the day EST on the Discord server.

EDFan's signature:


How do I use administrator powers?

See the administrators' how-to guide for a guide on using admin functions.

Becoming an administrator

For you to become an administrator, someone with bureaucrat access must make you one. On our wiki, you're supposed to go through a community page for requests, the "Requests for adminship". However, if you can't sign up there for some reason, you can always ask a bureaucrat directly on his or her talk page.

If there are no active bureaucrats and you wish to become an administrator or adopt the wiki, please contact the CPWN Staff. If there are other active editors but no active bureaucrats/admins, you should first discuss with them on who should become an admin, whether it be one of you, or all of you.

What can administrators not do?

Administrators should not use their administrator powers to settle editing disputes; for example, to lock a page on a version he or she prefers in an editing dispute that isn't vandalism. Administrator powers should be used to help keep the wiki clear of vandalism, spam, and users who make malicious edits, but not for simple disagreements between users acting in good faith. Ideally an admin shouldn't be considered "in charge". The ideal admin is just someone who is trusted to have a few extra buttons and to use them for the benefit of the community.