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Walter Fjord Kaunokainen, better known as Waiting Walter, is a penguin who works at the Pizza Parlour. Friends with the rest of the staff (The Chef, WWAOLTTNE, et al), there, he works as a hardworking waiter. Seemingly your average penguin in the street, he has an unusual backstory. Very unusual, to be precise, and very comparable to AntiWalrus's history. This unusual backstory is that, when he tells this to curious penguins, he hatched in a place called "Finland".

Nobody is sure whether this is real, but he claims that there is a lot of snow and humans there. This may be why he is so good at this language called "Finnish", and why he can speak English with only a small accent. However, this also means he knows a lot about humans, but, curiously, whenever somebody asks him about "Finland", humans, etc., he suddenly speaks in a stream of "Finnish" which nobody in the room can understand, making discovery impossible.

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TheBroMaster, or more commonly known as Bro is an irreplaceable and talented user that has written many universe defining war stories and entertaining stories that never fail to disappoint. Formerly an admin until resigning, Bro has never failed to keep the wiki in check, and is one of the more senior users on the network. Some of Bro's finest work include the Red and Blue series of adventures, Frosian War, and Shops Island. In spite of his seemingly intimidating demeanor, Bro is one of the most friendly users, and always has two cents to give in regards to whatever is being worked on.

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