Boon Tobias

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Boon Tobias
Born Boon Tobias (or by his name backwards by penguins, Noob Saibot)
May 2nd, 1982 - circa 2020 (aged 38)
Gender Male
Nationality Zhouese
Other names Noob, Noob Saibot, Tobias, Boon
Years active 1987-2020
Home town Zhou
Height 4'02 (4 feet, 2 inches)
Weight 39kg
Known for Being a member of the Deadly Alliance
Spouse(s) None
Children None

Boon Tobias was a Zhouese ninja who specified in the arts of fighting. He was renowned for his ways of fighting and use of weapons: his shurikens. He was also capable of using a giant hammer. He was also known as being an evil ninja, betraying his colleagues, and also able to teleport to place to place. He has joined many evil organizations in his past, including The Evil Something and Darktan's Army. However, the most prominent work for any evil organization has been the Deadly Alliance. Boon was known for his camouflaging abilities, teleportation, leaver of a mysterious black substance and being a roundhouse kicker.



Lost and found, 1980's

Boon Tobias hatched in a large city, in an apartment in Zhou, at 3:18 AM, the second of May, 1982. When he hatched, all he saw was pitch black. In reality, he was in a dark room, with lights from the city, blinding the window. He soon waddled, and was just, alone. He soon waddled from the apartment and soon, a stranger lead him into a small wagon, driven by two horses, and was sent to a dojo. At a young age, he was shown nunchucks and other life-threatening weapons. At age five, he was exposed to discipline, aggressive discipline. At age twelve, that is when the real deal started to happen. At this time, it was discovered that during an injury, he was bleeding blue blood. No one knows how he got blue blood.

The blue blood is thought to be a sort of curse brought upon his family origin. As for the disappearance of his family, they were cursed, and due to that, they were "banished," thanks to several superstitious groups and citizens caught up with their curse, and were therefore sent out, but they did not know of Boon's egg or himself. He would be taught by these ninjas into become the fierce ninja he is today. Most of his life is obscured by secrets and mystery, but some are known about his life.

Teenage years

Remembering and defeating, 1990's

At age thirteen, Tobias would approve upon his ranks and would be a stealthy, and both brutal and savage ninja amongst his friends. In many pieces of training, he would attack and often injure innocent animals, as new move methods, which were decided by their trainers. In 1997, at age fifteen, he would defeat his entire class in a large targeted move of annihilation and proving himself, with the moves earned and trained from his instructors, he left them all injured, within the dojo. He was never found again. It was revealed that the trainers revealed that his parents were Zhouese, and both took their lives away because of their curse when they found out that he is cursed, and of course in return he learned of his parents fate.

It is assumed he ran away crying or in a form of emotional rage. He later on in life began a secret life of crime and would join the three evil organizations he was in.

Syndication broadcasting, circa 2000's-present

When he joined these three organization, they are mostly unknown since his records were destroyed by him, in order to not track him down.

However, it is noted that in 2017, he joined the Deadly Alliance.

Deadly Alliance, 2017

While looking for "jobs," he found his most prominent work and working place, at the infamous fortress of the Deadly Alliance. SInce he was already trained, he showed his new allies his skills, and was immediately assigned to the job and given extra training, just to be sure. During training, he has been given a new combat weapon: the hammer, specifically, a so-called "walrus hammer," a hammer made out of hard stone, which can basically break the skull or seriously injure an opponent in battle. He was also given his new throwing projectiles, his shurikens.

In one documented instance, he was training with a dummy, and kicked it a small bit above the ground, and with his hammer next to him, with all of his strength, uppercutted the dummy from the ground higher, and launched three shurikens, all hitting the dummy's face, neck and body, proving that Boon is not one penguin to mess around with.

He was amongst one of the many ninjas/soldiers/pawns of the Deadly Alliance.

Death, 2020

During one particular mission, the Deadly Alliance raided a fort of a large Redneck camp, where they attempted to steal secret gold minerals and bars that these rednecks had found. While all was well, Boon was shot near his neck, but fought back. When the others had most of the gold and retreating, the near-neck wound slowly leaked small ounce by ounce of blood, unusually faster, and by the time they all made their getaway, they realized Boon was slowly treading behind, only to notice that he had collapsed before they made their getaway.

Unfortunately, the authorities wear already a couple feet away, and the Alliance had no options but to leave him behind. Boon Tobias would later die at the nearest hospital of a bullet wound. Knowing that they had lost a member, Kligerman was sent to investigate the hospital, and, in what sounds like a joke, robbed his deceased body, before they all had a short funeral. The authorities were once again deployed to find it, but Boon Tobias' funeral was held in the forest at the unknown Deadly Alliance fortress. To let his body and soul rest at piece, the Alliance unleashed a casket droid with digging arms and a long-term dormancy battery unless activated to remain dormant for eternity. The Alliance had played a long, Zhouese-like angelic choir song to commemorate his fellowship to the Alliance, with every member present.

To let his soul fly into the afterlife, they cremated him, with the most unethical but otherwise normal option of a jerry can and fire. With Vapor spreading the gasoline inside the jerry can all over Boon, and Ketchup shooting a quick burst of flame into his body, and from there his body was cremated. The group watched in silence as Boon Tobias now peacefully laid to rest in the afterlife forever. After around 20 minutes (yes, they sat that long), Ice Dragon commenced that they should all go back to the base, and commanded the casket droid to put out Boon's now burned body and to begin the digging process. In the morning, the grave was succesfully buried, and a set of droids where sent to build a small canopy-like hut over his grave, where the members all laid his belongings there, and their respects, like Kligerman throwing a flower or Billy Jamie laying a priced sword that Boon gave to him as a gift.

Boon Tobias was at peace. And perhaps he was smiling from another higher realm, in peace for eternity.

Aftermath and legacy, 2021-present

It can be argued and agreed that despite his treacherous actions, Boon Tobias was a damaged kid. Mentally most importantly, and although unforgivable for his action, his life is a tragic tale of loss, emotional rage and redemption, that ended in a criminal career.

Forms of Strength

Physical strength

Boon Tobias was unpredictable when in fighting. This also attributes to his physical attacks. He is a good roundhouse kicker, and can fight stunningly.

Cursed image

Since Boon wore almost anything but the color black, he could camouflage in the shadows, dark alleys or even full black colored rooms, albeit with no light present.

Twin Color Mimics

Despite being in all black, he was in fact, a dark blue penguin, but along with his curse brought by his family tree, he can morph or mimic two colors. Full on black colored, or even the color purple. This mimics also attribute to his cursed image camouflaging skills.


As mentioned, he has been in several organizations in and out, amongst his first known cases of joining an evil army was of course, Darktan's Army. But the most work he has contributed to any evil group, has been the Deadly Alliance.


Boon Tobias was a king penguin, who wears a jet-black and gray ninja suit, with dark blue feathers. Like any penguin, he had a yellowish-orange beak, and feet. He contains blue blood in his veins and the rest of his body and can change his feathers to black and can also change to purple somehow. He uses the average ninja face mask, covering most of his face, only revealing his eyes.


He was rude, untrusty, evil and basically an assassin. When he was alive, in speaking communication, he speaks normally, but does not get excited. Sure, he of course get's excited but that is only when he is by himself. He would get violent when he is angry, and when he needs to vent out, he usually seeks out the world outside, sunny, windy, snowing or raining, he used the outside world to calm his brain, thanks to the common everyday ambience.


  • What do you want?
  • Stranger, I shall have to defeat you.
  • If the good guys want a beating, they must challenge the ninja!


  • He liked stinky cheese and has it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He steals it from pirates.
  • He liked to tamper with penguins.
  • He is both based and a parody of Noob Saibot.
  • His official weapon from the Deadly Alliance, was the Troll Hammer. In their "orchestra group", he plays the Trombone.