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Austin, the bounty hunter.
Title Austin8310
Gender Male
Race Khanz Penguin
Health Pretty good.
Status Snoss.
Location Pengolia, Dorkugal, Club Penguin. He moves around.
Interests Warfare, anything but computing and cooking.
Friends Flywish, Johnathan Wolfhunter, Swiss Ninja, XTUX Hun.
Enemies Ben Hun, Darktan, Fisch.
Archetype neutral bounty hunter.

Click here to listen to Austin8310's theme!

Austin8310 Devecter is a Khanz penguin. He's 27, and often bounty hunts, fights, and slaps others with fish. He is an accomplished bounty hunter, warrior, but isn't always up to his warrior standard.



Austin hatched around 1984, along with his twin Rex. He was born into a slightly wealthy Pengolian family. The family had roots in warfare and mercenary work since Khanzem, and so he was trained in it. His early childhood was uneventful. At school, he was probably one of the best students (at the more violent subjects), and his early friends were Dennie and Kento Clarke. His older brother, Jacques, left within a year or two of his birth. His childhood was fairly uneventful. He had two friends: Dennie, a young Khanz, and Kento.

Teenage years

Later in life, he would be employed with them in Flywish's Army. When he entered high-school, he had decent grades, but then he left Pengolia at 15 after passing high school. The tradition was that at the age of fifteen, you would leave to pursue a career. He went to a USA military college. The culture shock was very dramatic, and he stuck out badly. One day when he was around 16, a gang of rich seniors attacked him for being "a loser". He decked every single one, and he was noted by the EPF-and Johnathan. When he was 17, he left to go join the military in the War of 2002. He was promoted to captain, but it really didn't suit him at all. He quit the military, and went back to pengolia.

Once he reached Pengolia, he was hired by Penghis Khan. There, he served Penghis Khan for a while. However, he was later fired because of some incidents. Austin was always rebellious and a bad servant, and he was fired very quickly. He left Pengolia at 18, and went to join the UPM. He met Johnathan Wolfhunter, and the two decided to team up as a two person bounty hunter team. Austin8310 was the brunt of the team, with Johnathan being the intelligence. They were a team for a very long time, but eventually they left to do other things.


Austin left at 22, after he was shot in the side and severely wounded. Austin wanted to go search for another job, but Johnathan preferred bounty hunting-he had already decided what to do for a living. After they passed ways, he kept in touch with him. For a while he was a pilot, but he had an accident and stopped flying planes or doing other jobs. After failing multiple jobs, he realized he was meant to be a bounty hunter, and made that his ultimate job. Things went downhill, though. People just didn't want bounty hunters in SPC. Austin then traveled around and took small bounty hunting jobs until he was 24.

Meeting SN-present

However, his life would take a HUGE turn when he met Swiss Ninja. He met Swiss Ninja outside Fisch Hochstadt's house, cursing. Austin wondered what was wrong, and once he found out, he took the job. This led him to be involved in the Great Snowzerland War I, and he captured Fred Antics and Fisch Hochstadt. Fred still is paranoid of him to this day. During this time, Austin entered the BoF. He started to break the fourth wall slightly, and was starting to use his talent.

Also, Austin helped command Swiss Ninja's troops one year later, in Great Snowzerland War II. Right after that, he left to participate in the The Quest for Yilk. During this time, he met XTUX Hun. They became friends instantly. Things clicked. XTUX knew his way around the BoF, but he needed a partner, and Austin didn't really know his way around the BoF. Right after that, he was called off the to chase after Fisch The Quest for Fisch. Austin, however, started seeking out other bounty hunters. Frankly, there were too many Hochstadts.

He then started the Royal Bounty Hunters of Snowzerland around the time of Great Snowzerland War III. Then, he helped Swiss Ninja in The Mystery of Pen Chi, the GSWVI, and Gold For Thanksgiving. His loyalty started to wain-SN had been doing stupid things, like chasing after gold in Pengolia, and in going to Mars, Austin felt it was a bit ridiculous. They were going to MARS. Not chasing the Hochstadt Gang.

However, by Travelling All of Antarctica, Austin had regained his loyalty to SN. This was possibly the most intense attempt to take the Hochstadt Gang yet. However, when XTUX died, Austin's loyalty was fading again. However, when Swiss Ninja sent him on the Absurd Mission, things changed. Austin found a Time Manipulator, met TSP, found that XTUX was alive again, captured the Hochstadt Gang, travelled to Mattress was quite a tale. The most recent mission was The Escape, where he broke Terkin out of prison with Johnathan Wolfhunter and XTUX Hun.

Now, he mainly stays in Snowzerland, bounty hunting with the Royal Bounty Hunters of Snowzerland.


Austin will do quite a bit for money, even stealing, lying, and cheating. He's occasionally used Swiss Ninja's money before. However, he is pretty loyal to his boss.

Austin8310 is usually somewhat prideful. He also tends to be stubborn, and violent towards his enemies. However, despite the previous sentences, he's fairly sociable to his few friends, such as Johnathan Wolfhunter, XTUX Hun, and Java Ghent. He tends to not be pessimistic when his friends are around, and he would never betray his couple friends. Austin outside of battle is fairly friendly, but when the going gets rough, things completely change. In war, battle, or important situations, Austin loses all friendliness, replaced by an attitude of violence and seriousness. However, outside of those situations and with his friends, Austin really isn't all that bad.

But you wouldn't want to meet him in battle.

Promotion to Rollback

One may wonder HOW Austin managed to get a Rollback Gun and a position in the RTF. Austin8310 was traveling around, searching for a job, and he saw Explorer enter on one of the entrances to the BoF. Austin8310 wondered where that went, and tried to jam himself through. It didn't work. When it asked him for an ID Card, he smacked the machine and broke it, triggering an alarm and accidentally teleporting him in. As he wandered around, he encountered Weegee. Austin8310 didn't think about it and attacked Weegee. Neither one of them liked the experience, though Austin didn't look him in the eyes (and thus didn't become a Weegee). Unluckily, he met Benny. Benny panicked and threw a coathanger at Austin.

Austin did not approve.

Ten seconds later, Austin was chasing Benny around the building with Benny screaming. The employees got a kick out of that.

After all of the chaos, Mayor McFlapp thought of a way to easily get rid of Austin, and make a good rollback (So he thought.) He gave Austin8310 a Rollback Remote and a copy of the COC. They Mayor told told him that if anything went against the COC, he should shoot them with it. Of course, Austin8310 was overjoyed to get a new weapon, and didn't notice Mayor McFlapp about to shoot him out of the BOF with an escape pod. He got shot flying and landed in the middle of Ternville.

Unluckily, McFlapp had really interested Austin. He went to the BoF, and met XTUX. And then, Austin was at the BoF from now on. Poor McFlapp. Benny had his tailfeathers for that one. Later on he and XTUX Hun invented the Rollback Gun to replace his remote.

Austin in a good mood.


Austin8310 is a Khanz penguin, making him a considerable threat in battles. He is sometimes quite irritable (a Khanz trait), but also quite friendly at times (not really Khanz trait). He's kind of a wild card in war.


Austin8310 couldn't be counted as a good guy. Since he is Pengolian, not only is he agressive, but his sense of Good and Evil is diminished. Not to mention he's worked for Swiss for the last few years. However, you couldn't count him as a bad guy. He's not really evil and can actually be somewhat friendly if you get to know him. So, Mayor McFlapp put a Neutral stamp on him. Or, at least, he would have. The Stampers Five screwed up, resulting in a character that tends to be irratical. McFlapp was annoyed severely, so he sent him along to the Rota Regna, where he recieved I Shall Reign (or very random luck).


  • Pilot
  • Warrior
  • Fisher
  • Mercenary
  • Strategist
  • Bounty Hunter


However, even with all these strengths, Austin8310 has weaknesses to match them.

  • Isn't that intelligent.
  • Couldn't work a computer to save his life.
  • Can't cook. He LIVES on Microwaveable fish (or he simply eats it raw!).
  • Is a klutz when not fighting.
  • Very sleep deprived.
  • He is very weak against X Virus creatures. Something about him prevents him from fighting them well.
  • Doesn't have very many friends.
  • Austin is normally a loner, as pointed out above.


Austin8310 carries around several weapons, and here is a list.

It is rumored that he collects them as a hobby. This is probably true. He stores several of these in a backpack.

  • Snowball Shotgun: He carries around a customized shotgun that pelts out rounds of snow. He overuses ditto in the bullets. In the Great Snowzerland War III, he broke it by madly banging it on the AMEOBA's heat ray.
  • Knicicle: He carries around a knicicle that he sharpens about once per week. If he is in a business meeting, he usually sharpens it. (Like he'd actually listen.)
  • Machine Gun: Austin's most generic gun. Useful for battles that don't require technique.
  • RDA Saber: Austin has an RDA Saber like all the other RDA Workers. He doesn't use it that often.
  • Sig Sauer Pistol: Austin's favorite gun. He likes the fish more.
  • Icicle Rifle: This is merely a replacement of his Snowball shotgun, but it really isn't used at all.
  • Maverick Specially Made Snowball Gun: This is one of Austin's favorite weapon (not counting the fish). He recieved it from TSP's cousin after a lengthy dialogue, and uses this with pride.
  • Ammo Cartridges: Running out of ammo is very inconvinient.
  • Fish: A pengolian classic that no self-respecting Khanz penguin would leave home without. Austin swings it at people when he is at war. He is in war a lot, which means the fish is put to good use. (Duh, he's Pengolian.)
  • Rollback Gun: One of his favorite weapons. If anything goes too wrong, he can shoot it and rollback it. This is mainly used with XTUX, and in BoF situations.
  • Ditto A: He always carries around a container filled with Ditto A for emergencies.
  • Ditto Bombs: He carries these in a container.
  • Spam Bombs: He carries them with the Ditto Bombs, and he got them from Flywish. These are his least favorite weapon.

Unluckily, this excess of weapons has nearly broken his player card before, but Austin doesn't really care.

Ironically, he has phoned several people (Metalmanager, Gary) and asked to buy weapons.

Austin banging the AMEOBA's giant heat ray with his shotgun. That's how he broke it.

Luckily, nobody sensible would let him have something really powerful. Such as a nuke.

Fourth Wall

Despite being a technology-recluse Pengolian, Austin ended up as a fourth wall breaker. However, this ability is very basic, and was given by a mistake by the BoF.

There's a tern in space playing a piano which makes us move!
— Austin8310. That might explain how much he knows.

He has a poor grasp of what Mayor McFlapp does. Incredibly poor. He never quite figured out those what those voices in his head meant. Even after being made into a rollback he thinks that the Organ is a "piano" and that Mayor McFlapp's office is in "space". Due to his incompetence, he is placed as a level Two Fourth Wall breaker. Also, he was a rollback for a while, until the BoF demoted him (really, the whole thing was a mistake.) He only knows one way into the BoF, and uses that way every single time. In the BOF, he helps XTUX with his files, steals documents from the main computer, rollbacks McFlapp's edits against XTUX, and also has been known to loot garbage compacters (nearly killing himself in the process.) However, he has been known to do some good in the BoF, as he sometimes keeps XTUX in line.

He has a twisted version of Fourth Wall things.

  • Bureau of Entropy: Bureau of Atrophy
  • Bureau of Fiction: Bureau in Fiction (He thinks its main purpose is to store information. This is false.)
  • Mayor McFlapp: That tern in space.
  • Director Benny: That grumpy puffle that writes the universe.
    • Benny actually approves the universe. Writing is the Mayor's job (which, again, shows Austin's limited Wall knowledge).
  • Fourth Wall: Third Window
  • Illustrator Keith: That weird guy who is scared of the grumpy puffle and has a drawing pencil.
    • This is false. Keith uses a paintbrush.
  • Wutt Energy: Whatt Energy.



  • Swiss Ninja-Austin is Swiss Ninja's employee and friend. However, Swiss and Austin argue a lot.
  • Flywish-Austin is also Flywish's employee and buddy.
  • Jacques-Jacques is Austin's brother. Jacques despises Austin, but Austin has no problem with Jacques.
  • Java Ghent-Austin's partner. They don't talk much, but there is a general understanding of the other person between the two.
  • Johnathan Wolfhunter-Austin's mercenary friend. Johnathan is generally more serious and smarter, but Austin is stronger and more of a loose cannon.
  • XTUX Hun-Austin's only friend in the Bureau of Fiction. Ironically, he's kind of evil. Which is generally why Austin likes him. Because Austin gets rich for doing XTUX's work, like stealing documents. (That's how he got his eyes on Uber Clearance Documents).
  • Rex-Austin's brother. They have rivalry issues.
  • Vincent Terrasini-Austin has always liked Vincent, despite him not being known as much as the others.


  • Grand Poobah of the Multiverse-When Austin was an IRRS worker and Poobah without his "Grand Poobah of the Multiverse" title, Poobah NEVER paid his taxes and caused Austin a lot of trouble.
  • Akbaboy-Hochstadt Gang.
  • Hochstadt Gang-Well, this is OBVIOUS.
  • Fudd-Austin despises Fudd. A lot.
  • Captain Str00del-Austin hates Strudels
  • Any X Creature other than Xinston.
  • Every single High Penguin EVER except for Swiss Ninja. (Duh, he's a Khanz.)
  • Director Benny
  • Icmer-Ever since that Ditto Grenade, Austin hasn't liked this fellow.
Do you expect him to like Icmer after this?

Other Facts

  • If he caught the X-Virus, it would be lethal. He caught a small strain, and it nearly killed him.
  • In war, he throws all plans out the windows and breaks the rules of war quite a bit. For instance, he refuses to nourish the enemy fallen after combat. Another example is when he attempted to attack Ben Hun even though he was in a single duel with Flywish.
You think I carry around pasta to give to my defeated enemies? NO WAY!
— Austin8310. His perspective on Ex Clades Spacelli

Austin8310's Jobs

Austin8310 never quite got decided on what to do for a job until he met Swiss Ninja.

  • Pizza Parlor: He was a cook. It didn't last 4 minutes.
  • Dock: For a while, he drove the boat on Hydro Hopper, but crashed into the Iceberg.
  • Builder: He was fired when he dropped a hammer off a building onto his boss. This was intentional.
  • Pilot: He was actually good at this job until he crashed. Then he was fired again.
  • Penghis Khan's Servant: He actually kept this job for a while but Penghis Khan fired him after he made some mistakes. Heh. Heh. Mistakes. His servant number was 103.
  • Swiss Ninja's Personal Royal Hunter: This is pretty much his main job now, alternating with being a mercenary.
  • Mercenary: He's always had this job.
  • IIRS Man: He quit this one after some...mishaps.

What's Really Under That Bandanna

Austin never takes his bandanna off. Ever.

Nobody really knows why.

The actual reason goes all the way back to Khanzem. Austin is Whoot's cousin's brother's son's cousin's son's son. And he has Whoot's hair.

It's embarrassing. Incredibly embarrassing. He tried shaving it off. It grows back. He tried burning it off. Not much happened, but he caught himself on fire. Anyway, it's embarrassing and kind of humiliating, so he NEVER takes his hat off. Even when he sleeps.



  • For some reason, Austin8310 has a protractor in his inventory. He won't let anyone touch it.
  • He owns a Condo in Chi Con. He almost never stays there, though.
  • He dislikes High Penguins. (except for Swiss Ninja and Flywish)
  • According to Austin, every single High Penguin but Swiss and Flywish is a n00bface and should be pied.
  • He is arachnaphobic.
  • He has an EXTREME loyalty to Swiss Ninja, going out of his way to help him in his ventures.
  • He was partners with Johnathan Wolfhunter for a while, and still keeps in contact with him.
  • Nobody knows what is under his bandanna. He never takes it off. Only Xinston knows, and Austin8310 threatens him not to tell.
    • He possibly cut his hair after someone's death, but nobody knows for certain.
  • Director Benny hates his guts. Unluckily for Benny, Austin got I Reign on the Rota Regna. Luckily, Austin almost never beats the Hochstadt Gang, due to Benny's interference.
  • He seems to have a double personality. In war, he's much less friendly and serious. In peace, he's more friendly, and a klutz at that.
  • Austin8310 used to be scared of puffles.
  • Also, Austin quit the Neo Naughtzee because of Swiss Ninja. However, there is always a strange unknown figure at a couple of meetings.
  • Ironically, he used to be a pretty good airplane pilot. However, he had an accident and stopped flying. However, he can fly military planes with ease.
  • Austin is terrified of Mandy Mortis. Absolutely terrified.
  • He used to wrestle for CPWE but he left due to other outside business.


  • You can do it the easy way... or the hard way.
  • Okay, you have three seconds to answer, or I'm firin' mah shotgun.
  • You think I carry around spaghetti? NO!
  • Hi, I'm your friendly IIRS man! Never mind. I'm not really friendly.
  • This isn't a Mission. This is PAYBACK!!!

See also