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In May of 2011, the Board of Fiction was spli six to six (one Boardman recused himself) on a debate that really shouldn't have been that serious. Essentially, the most powerful beings in the CPFW universe were split over this: which Main Page Header is better?
The Board didn't want to waste too much time on this matter, so they used their Fourth Wall might to conjure two penguins to represent the two templates: Main Top and Main Page Header.
Their one purpose before being erased was to entertain and convince the one Boardman that didn't make his decision with a rap battle. That's right: a ''rap battle.
Maintop: I've been here for many years long before Zone was known, I got seniority dude, so, you'd better go home! What's with your form? No links there to say! How can I, go see, all pics made today? I got our foundin' date, and links to userpages also, and new pages too, umm, what do you show? I'm more old than your coder, so you'd better get out, because the Main Page Top is WHAT IT IS ALL ABOUT!
Main_Page/Header: Yoooooooooooooooooouuuuuu've got no shape and you're distractin' us here, boy! I've got landslide votes of our peeps let that be known, ya'll, you just got an ancient geezer who's stubborn and that's all! I'm face of progress sublime, and you're way behind the times; so you go and get your little break tags out of my awesome rhymes; you're the past, and we need to move forward! -and I also blend straight in with all the rest of the new page's wording!
Maintop: I have purpose with links which can nowhere else stand! Categories, New Pages, they're all under my command! You can't top function, that's me, FOR SERIOUS, and your lame wiki date's off by o'er a year, ya delerious?
Main_Page/Header: There are nine: Austin XTUX Zapwire Sancho Tiger Icmer Swissy Andrew Ninjinian, whom agree, and like what I serve, your fanboy can not vote so who's left without kind words? You really think that change will lose what sort of juice you drinkin'? I'll take your theory and I'll crush it and cook it like bacon! -and while it's true that I'm not as old as you, I'm the will of the people and your fan's appointed, too!
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