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Angeline Roverson

Abstact artist's conception of her, post-accident. Though, that picture's scaring me..... *aghghghgh*
Title Miss Fashionista 2008, Miss Antarctica of Shiverpool 2009
Gender Female
Race Adelie penguin (contains traits of Northern Kanta)
Health Recovering from accident as of 2011. Known to have deformed eyes and deformed figure.
Level "I am in the highest level!" proclaimed
Former fashionista, unofficial
Status Alive, recuperating
Location Shiverpool, Antarctic Peninsula
Enemies Willie Watt, Jenny Randerson
Archetype Evil (although more of anti-hero archetype)

Angeline Roverson, or simply Angeline, (born April 28, 1989) is a yellow-haired, blue-outlined female Adelie Penguin that Willie Watt hates. She used to have a pretty figure until she had an accident and deformed her face.

Angeline Roverson now works as an office clerk, formerly a full-time model. She used to tease Willie Watt (before she left for the DTA) and a number of other creatures, but eventually had a car accident in which she was flung over a thousand miles, causing massive injuries to her face thus needing to undergo a surgery, followed by a full eleven months of treatment and observation.

She still teases Willie Watt but her effect has been largely abated, contributed by her more unusual figure and messed up eyes.


Born Angeline Elaine Gobberhatt, she hatched from Alicia Oberone Gobberhatt (originally Alicia Oberone Slyvia-Gobachev) on 28 April 1989 at the local hospital. She was raised in Shiverpool of the Antarctic Peninsula and enjoyed a somewhat wealthy life. Her mother became married to William Gerald Roverson, the then-mayor of Shiverpool, and her daughter's surname changed to Roverson as well. She attended Robinson School from kindergarten to the eighth grade. By the time she was headed to the ninth grade she moved to Penguville, because her father died.

At her new high school, she entered a fashion competition that eventually led her to receive gold with honours. She entered an even larger, statewide competition that gave her a silver. Soon enough she started to develop her skills - and her arrogance.

She dropped out of high school and went straight to being a model, partly due to her arrogance.

Modeling years (2005 - 2007)

Angeline Roverson, when she first entered the model industry, was not a well-known figure. She was hired by a local Shiverpool modeling agency and only starred wearing wigs from unknown brand makers. Based on her biography, Tell Tale Signs of the Fashionista Gal, it was revealed that her break came when she was appointed to pose as the lead model for one of Penguin Style's clothes in the Summer 2006 catalog, that eventually raised awareness of her. It was reported that in August 2006, she left the agency to join an Eastshield-based modeling agency, which had just recently opened its Shiverpool branch. She starred mainly in Alejandro Rossi's catalogs from Fall 2006 to Summer of 2007. The company later separated into two; Angeline joined the newly-formed Fashionistartica agency that gave her a 50% raise, Penguin Times reported.

Sometime in September of 2007, a local Shiverpool news source claimed that there was a scandal in which Angeline was bribing the IIRS to reduce her taxes. This story was soon carried on by others, including the Penguin Times and CLOCK. An all-out investigation was ordered by a local judge. It eventually lead to the arrest of seven tax workerss who "accepted bribes from severa; penguins", all of whom were jailed, CLOCK reported. Angeline was not charged nor warned, possibly because she bribed her way out.

Her reputation was tarnished, though, so Fashionistartica cut her salary by 75%, according to a press interview with the company in early October. She continued to be the lead role, although competitors were soon rising up.

Fashion queen career (2008 - 2009)

In February 2008, Angeline resigned from her job as lead model and sued Fashionistartica for "unfair treatment". The case was lauged out of court, the local judge claiming that "she deserved everything they gave her", and that, had she been in charge, "she wouldn't have kept her job". Angeline later joined Fashionistartica's rival and former company asset, Harold Rougini, a fashion designer and model agency. Angeline first starred in the March 2008 issue of Falling, Falling, the monthly publication of the company. She soon got a personal manager - Eric Ric Fedrickson II

In 2008 she participated in the Miss Fashionista beauty pageant held that year, which showcased over three hundred fifty models from the continent. She entered days before the deadline, and managed to secure an audition. The seven-month trial included makeup, accodomation fees and seminars. They were judged on their personality, looks, and reputation. Eventually, sometime in late August of 2008, Angeline Roverson was crowned winner of the 2008 Miss Fashionista beauty pageant.

In the September 2008 issue of Fashion-gossip, though, an interview with runner-up Jenny Randerson claimed that Angeline "behaved extremely rudely, ridiculing other contestants and the audience, and even sabotaging chances of winning by bribery or cheating". This raised some concern for whether the judges were bribed to crown her as Miss Fashionista.

"Jenny Randerson had an equally horrendous attitude, not that I was bad, but she was sloppy, unconcerned about others feelings and possibly bribed the judges to grant her as winner, only to end up as runner-up."
— Angeline

Jenny sued Angeline for ethics violations and other personal means, including cheating in a public event, bribary, and other charges. She won and was awarded more than enough money. There was no investigation into the conduct of the pageant judges.

In 2009, Angeline entered the Miss Antarctica beauty pageant, in which she only made it to the state finals and ended up as Miss Antarctica of Shiverpool.


  • She as one of Becky's inspirations.

See also