Agent Meltie

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Rihanna "Agent Meltie" Meltissimo-Slugster
File:Agent Meltie new design.PNG
Born September 20th
Residence A small apartment in the cul-de-sac of Resisty Circle, South Pole City
Gender Female
Nationality Freezelandian-Japalandese
Other names Agent Meltie, A.M., Agent, Rih, Rihanna, Rocket Slug's sister, that one goth chick
Ethnicity Adelie Penguin
Citizenship Freezelandian
Alma mater Penguin Academy
Occupation Fry cook at McDoodle's
Employer McDoodle's in Resisty Circle Mall
Home town South Pole City
Salary 12 coins per hour
Height 4'6
Known for Her dark nature, her daring attitude, her sense of fashion, sarcastic comments
Title French Fryer Extraordinaire, Adventurer, Enemy, Puffle Scouts Troop-Leader-in-Training, Rocket Slug's sister
Partner James Crow
Parents Martha Meltissimo, Rocco Slugster
Relatives Phineas (stepbrother);
Rocket Slug (stepsister);
Metalmanager (crush);
James the Pseudocidal Maniac;
James Crow (boyfriend in present, husband in future);
Sye (friend)
; Keziah (her aunt)
A bad character gone good.
Are you seeking the future of this character? If so, please visit Agent Meltie/Future.

Agent Meltie, real name Rihanna Meltissimo-Slugster, is an Adelie Gothguin, but after an sudden and unexpected deletion, she decided not to act as depressed, because life is what you can make of it. However, she can't ditch her key color, black, as its presence in her wardrobe is not to be trifled with. Agent loves herself a grand adventure and enjoys being an apathetic jerk just for the lulz.


Hatched in Freezeland, Rihanna had a good chickhood and was spoiled quite a bit. Over the years she became a bit of Jerk and an Gothguin, but she was mostly content and treated well in life. The introduction of Rocket Slug and Phineas34720, however, made her suddenly feel jealous and neglected. In classic older sibling fashion, the two became her metaphorical and/or physical punching bags throughout their youth. Sure, she eventually got along with the two, but for awhile it had just been her and her parents. Why ruin a good thing?

The standard teen angst settled in once she turned thirteen, driving her into a life of pain and misery - at least, that's what her diary entries read. Being a teenager no doubt took a toll on her, and her desire to express herself led her to the formation of Fire and Ice and many a McDoodle's paycheck spent here.

However, when she was seventeen, something happened that would change her life. She was just walking to work, not even noticing the creatures of lower quality being deleted all around her. She barely dodged the blow of an incoming Deletion Missile. Her injured arm was deleted for five minutes. When it was restored, the rest of her body was suddenly deleted, her left arm still intact.

Her efforts to return to Earth were fruitless at first. She felt like she was climbing up a chasm where the shimmering light grew smaller and smaller. About to give up, a friendly sky programmer suddenly realized his mistake and extended a metaphorical arm to her. Since then, she has been much kinder and less depressed. She also became a secret agent under the codename of "Agent Meltie".


There is something fairly jarring culturally to see a Gothguin enacting random acts of kindness, especially one as seemingly apathetic and sarcastic as Agent Meltie. However, she uses this as leverage to defy expectations and lend a helping flipper. Like her stepsister, she is also someone who is highly empathetic and attracts less popular penguins, which she will defend to no end. Unlike RS, however, Agent Meltie has firsthand experienced some level of hatred and bullying for who she is. It's tough being a Gothguin.

She also helps out with the Puffle Scouts as a troop leader in training.


Agent Meltie's standard look pre-deletion consisted of any all-black outfits. Dresses, jeans, skirts or shorts, as long as they were black they were in her fashion rotation. She also had a penchant for writing song lyrics and phrases on her shoes, a tradition long regarded in Emoguin and Gothguin culture. Her long, wavy hair also used to be dyed black. If there were any accent colors, it would be purple or red.

Post-deletion, however, she realized her dark and brooding look was too intense. She dyed her hair red, a long-winded effort that fortunately worked in her favor. Additionally, she decided maybe wearing actual colors wasn't too bad after all, and invested in a pair of purple boots to wear with some black (and gray!) clothing.


  • For some strange reason, she is deathly afraid of Xet.
  • She respects Dara greatly, especially after she got away with destroying most of her sister's possessions.
  • Agent accidentally dyed Maria's hair red once. Maria surprisingly adored the new look and continued touching it up with the same shade.

See also